Kaleb's and Lizzie's Diary Entry No. 2

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Salvatore Boarding School Grand Hall
Kaleb's Diary Entry

I didn't know what I was in for when I thought that discovering the mystery behind Josie attacking Rafael and the 'grand gesture' Doctor Saltzman was talking about was worth facing Mrs Forbes-Salvatore.

The blonde vampire wanted us to execute her plans for a dream birthday party for Josie and Lizzie, and that dream birthday party was a sophisticated indoor fairy tale themed party, not a simple but meaningful cookout, and Wolf Boy was getting a free tailored tuxedo made for him because…

"Josie is a princess, and she chose you to be her prince for the night. You're going to be the prince to her princess in every sense," said Mrs Forbes-Salvatore, after Doctor Saltzman surprised us, and by us, I meant me and my fellow vampire, with the news that Rafael was Josie's date. Hope seemed to be aware.

As I was moving tables from the storage to the Grand Hall, using a hidden compartment reserved for emergency evacuation, and Hope was busy bringing out the decorations, Rafael was somewhere in the building, getting his measurements taken with scheduled princely lessons after lunch. Hope was trusted to give the lessons, for some reason.

Although a part of me envied Rafael, a bigger part pitied him because he didn't get a say in the matter whatsoever. Doctor Saltzman even silenced him with a look and a shake of the head when he tried to object to Mrs Forbes-Salvatore's plans for him. The poor guy was limited to explaining how he became Josie's date and the status of their relationship.

As the story went, told by a very uncomfortable werewolf, Josie asked him to be her date while she helped him settle in. They were apparently 'just friends.' Yeah, I didn't buy the 'just friends' thing, not after the pain inflicting spell Josie was said to have used on Rafael wasn't enough to get him to rethink being her date even after he had a nosebleed and a concussion in front of the whole school because of it.

And then there was the Lizzie thing. As long as I've been at the school, I knew that Lizzie wasn't one to defend anyone, except if she had something to gain. Her stopping Josie's attack on Rafael was suspicious, especially now that I knew about the date. There had to be some truth to the word on campus, although it left the question of why Josie didn't dump Rafael as her date.

"Have you decided who you're going to enlist?" Hope asked me as I brought in the last table.

"Just one," I replied, thinking about the only vampire who would do anything for Lizzie to the best of his abilities. "MG. You?"

MG and I were at odds with each other, but I was sure that he would help. I just wasn't sure I could trust him to keep the whole thing a secret, especially from Lizzie.

"No one," responded Hope.

I wasn't surprised. She didn't have anyone she could count on, outside the Headmaster, due to her lone wolf policy. I didn't really have anyone to count on either, but I was sure MG would go far and beyond for Lizzie because of his crush on her.

The only one of us who had people they could count on was Rafael since he was the Alpha of the strict hierarchical werewolves, but he was...

The Grand Hall doors suddenly opened and in walked... No one.

"Um, Hope," I called her name without taking my eyes away from the doors that suddenly closed.

Before she could respond, two boys, students at the school judging by their uniform, suddenly appeared, followed by two more students, a boy and a girl, and then Jed between the latter two. Rafael made his own sudden appearance between the first two to appear, but unlike the others, he was speaking:

"... going to substitute during and after lunch to make sure that everyone in the pack gets extra credits and our absence isn't noticed."

"So, it's not about Josie?" Asked Jed, while one of the werewolves closed the door behind them.

"Of course, it's about Josie," responded Rafael, looking at Jed and the other werewolves. "And Lizzie. It's their birthday and party, and-and I'm Josie's date."

The werewolves looked at their Alpha as though he suddenly grew two heads.

"After what she did?" Jed asked the question I wanted to ask myself, along with how did they make themselves invisible.

Rafael looked at me and Hope for a moment.

"It's like I said," he began to reply. "It's her birthday, and she is one of the reasons I joined the pack. You beat up Landon, but I let that go."

"After you humiliated me," Jed responded, embarrassed.

I wondered how Rafael embarrassed him. Speaking of the werewolf in charge:

"I planned to give you a taste of your own medicine," he said. "Until I learned wolves don't go around injuring their own. Beating you within an inch of your life would have weakened the pack, I'm glad that I didn't. Look, my grades suffered after the car crash, and bringing them back up is kind of hard with everything going on. I could use the extra credits, and I'm sure so could the pack.

"We're all going to get extra credits because I didn't involve you in my business with Josie, and I'm going to keep it that way. I'll handle my business with Josie the way I see fit, and you're going to focus on making sure that everyone gets their turn helping in here. Can you do that, Jed, or do I need to choose another werewolf to be my second-in-command?"

Jed's answer was obvious, he accepted the role to be Rafael's second and stopped asking questions. Seeing werewolf politics like this was eye-opening, and I intended to appoint my own second-in-command.

"What's the plan?" Rafael asked, addressing Hope who had the tablet which had Mrs Forbes-Salvatore's plans for the party as he approached her with the other werewolves.

"Kaleb and I took out what we need from the storage room," Hope informed as I joined them. "I used magic to dust off everything while we were in the storage room, but we still need to properly clean them."

I used my vampire speed to go get the cleaning equipment, but not before picking up MG. Not to be outdone by the werewolves, MG helped me enlist a few vampires on our way back, although he was reluctant to, not trusting them after they betrayed him by voting for me to be the vampire representative. Just like that, though, we got to work.
Lizzie's Diary Entry

After my talk with Josie and getting to class on time, I couldn't help but think about tonight and see Landon leaving and Josie getting involved in Hope and Rafael's business as a sign that Rafael was meant to be my date. The world saw my great sacrifice for Rafael to be Josie's date and made things right, as they should have been from the beginning.

I called dibs on Rafael, he agreed to be my date and was going to be my date even after I couldn't fulfill my part, and I didn't just kiss him, I had the most passionate sex of my sexual life with him. The fact that he canceled our second deal and being Josie's date meant that he chose me over Josie, and she hadn't attacked him yet. He was really meant to be mine and I couldn't wait for tonight. I was going to help him forget his girlfriend.

"Lizzie," Josie whispered my name to gain my attention after her return from Dad's office. "I need to tell you something."

"Me too," I told her with the same whisper.

"If you don't want detention on your birthday, you'll wait until break," Dorian's assistant said from the teacher's desk. "And focus on taking the notes on the board."

We did wait until break, but my focus was anywhere but the board, although my enchanted pen wrote the notes on my notebook for me. Before I knew it, it was time for break and Josie and I were heading to the cafeteria.

"What did Dad say?" I asked Josie, my eyes on the lookout for Rafael.

"We owe everyone a public apology and our punishment is spending Saturday cleaning up the mess from the party," she answered, but didn't look like she was against the punishment, although she looked anxious. "Um, I need to tell you something before you hear it from someone else. Rafael is..."

"Girls!" Dad interrupted Josie, approaching us, to my displeasure. I wanted to hear what she was going to say about Rafael. "Why don't you join me for a walk?"

"A walk? Really, Dad?" I asked, arms folded.

"Yes. A walk." He replied, coming between Josie and me before linking arms with us, already changing our direction. "We own this big beautiful land but we don't take the time to appreciate it and that is about to change.”

It did change. For the first time in a while, I walked around the land that I called home, taking in the sights, the woods filled with tall trees of many species and the hills in the distance, with my sister and father. It was nice, relaxing and refreshing, but...

“Dad, as nice as this is, we need to eat before break is over,” I said, the breakfast Rafael had sent that Josie burned on my mind.

“I know,” Dad acknowledged just as the Old Mill came into view. “Just bare with me until we reach the Old Mill and then you'll eat to your heart's content.”

It was strange, Dad willingly wanting to spend more than a few minutes with us instead of being with Hope, it was really strange, and ill-timed. I wanted to see a boy about a date.

"This way," Dad directed us towards the Old Mill just as we were about to walk past it.

"Dad," I began with my protest, but it ended prematurely at the sight of a table for three and four closed silver trays while my mind tried to process what I was seeing.

To make sure that I wasn't seeing things, I looked at Josie, who had the same idea as me, so we exchanged surprised looks before turning them on Dad, and found him with the camera of his phone directed at us.

"One; two; three," he suddenly started counting. "Happy birthday to you!" He sang the traditional birthday song, and a few seconds behind him Mom's voice joined from his phone, turning my confusion into a wide smile. "Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Jo-Li! Happy birthday to you! How old are you now?!"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes, feeling like a child, but I answered, and so did Josie:

"Sixteen!" We answered with a loud scream.

"Hip, hip!" Mom and Dad led.

"Hooray!" We followed.

"Hip, hip!"


"Happy sweet sixteen, girls!" Mom said over the phone that Dad switched to use the front camera so that we could see her. "You're growing up so fast."

"They sure are," Dad agreed, placing his phone on a phone stand on the side of the table without a seat before pulling out the seats for me and Josie. "Birthday girls."

"Young ladies, Ric," Mom corrected while we sat. "Or better yet, princesses."

"I'm trying to be original here, Caroline," Dad defended himself as he settled down across from the phone.

"Why does it look like you're nowhere near America, Mom?" Josie asked with suspicion in her voice, looking very closely at Dad's phone. "You're not coming."

"What are you talking about?" I inquired, although the warning bells in my head were already ringing as I realized what the video call and the birthday brunch implied.

Upon a closer look at Mom and her surroundings, I became aware of what Josie was referring to. Mom was in what looked like a mud hut with its door opened and black people wearing what I could only describe as African attires, of which Mom was wearing one too, walking about outside. Outside looked like a forest and Mom looked a little sweaty.

"Uh... It looks like I'm nowhere near America because I'm nowhere near America, sweetheart," Mom responded sadly. "Something came up and I was forced to miss my flight and stay here for a while longer."

"Where is 'here'?" I asked.

"Nigeria," Mom answered.

"Where in Nigeria?" Josie followed up.

"I-I'm not sure," replied Mom, looking out the door for a moment. "I'll find out after we celebrate your Sweet Sixteen."

"Speaking of," Dad interjected. "Didn't you say that you have to eat before the break is over?"

I did, though I would have loved to eat with Rafael, but it seemed it was family time, and since Mom wasn't coming, I had no other choice than to appreciate her effort, even though I was very disappointed.

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