42: Beautiful

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No one could tell you what was going on in their minds, most of their inner monologue was said by their faces, and or actions. So one could imagine the shock that plagued those in the alley when Winry picked up the stray gun that belonged to the injured soldier from earlier.

"Don't shoot! Let go of the gun!"

"You shouldn't hold things like that!''


Her friends tried to snap her out of whatever trance Winry was in but their voices became white noise to her, she could only focus on the man- murderer in front of her. Said murderer looked at Winry with an emotion too complex to be named, "So you are the daughter of those doctors. You have the right to shoot me, however, the moment that bullet releases, you will be my enemy."

This didn't go over well with the group, "Hurt on a hair on her head and I'll-!" Edward boldly yells, Scar scoffs at Edward's mini speech and cuts him off, " And you'll achieve what!? No one can stop the cycle of hatred until both sides are destroyed!" Edward tries to think of something to say but Winry holds the gun a bit higher and tighter.

Getting reminded of Rosè from Liore (Y/n) aims a vine at the gun and snatches it out of Winry's hands, " Winry don't!" (Y/n) shouts. Winry's hands were still in the position she held the gun with and slowly looks to (Y/n), " But he-" (Y/n) shook her head and did something some would call foolish or blinded by concern for Winry.

(Y/n) ran past Scar, even brushing arms with him, and when she did Scar immediately reacted, reaching out to destroy her arm. Edward knew he was going to have to cover for (Y/n) and transmuted a bombard of spikes to throw off Scar's balance. His idea worked but he triggered a fight between him and Scar.

Going down to Winry's level (Y/n) deconstructed the gun to the smallest amounts of matter she can manage. Winry tried to grab at the remains of the gun but (Y/n) held her shoulders, "Winry shooting him wouldn't have brought your parents back." (Y/n) spoke calmly for Winry's sake.

In reality (Y/n) was being hypocritical, she knew that. If the person who killed Hughes was in Scar's place (Y/n) would've picked up the gun too. The question is, would she shoot? She rather not think about it and kept trying to clear Winry's head and spoke as if she was talking to Winry and herself.

" You know you wouldn't be able to do it..."

This caused Winry to breakdown, throwing herself in (Y/n)'s arms, " Why couldn't it do it!? Why!? He was right there!" (Y/n) held Winry closely, while she wished all her attention could be on Winry she wasn't ignorant to the fight happening behind them.

Looking over her shoulder (Y/n) could see the sparks of alchemy and rubble thrown around. Preventing her from fully assessing the situation, "He killed my parents and he can kill you guys too!!" Winry clutched at (Y/n)'s shirt and felt her tears soak the fabric, " Winry I..." Winry was right and (Y/n) couldn't think of anything to say except for her to run away.

"Winry listen, you need to get out of here. Run anywhere you deem safe and one of us wil-" (Y/n) felt something or rather someone harshly collide with her back, " Get down!" She heard Edward say, covering Winry with her body (Y/n) looked behind her. She saw Scar, his hand out and ready to hurt them, (Y/n) cursed herself for being so negligent.

Heavy breathing and Winry's sobs was the only sound in the alley as the fight freezes, the noise being brought back by Alphonse who attempts to knee Scar. Naturally, Scar dodges and jumps back farther down the alley, but Alphonse still had a plan. Stealing inspiration from Edward, Alphonse sends a rush of stone pillars at Scar.

Scar still dodges but he was incredibly tired and knew he couldn't go on for much longer. Blowing a hole in a walk Scar makes himself an escape route, " Idiot! What are you doing!?" Edward shouts, "Trying to get the two of you killed!" Alphonse sarcastically said, Edward blinks and Alphonse directed (Y/n) and Edward.

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