47: A Dog's Insigna

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In response to Greed's reawakening Gluttony introduces himself and Envy, referring to the other homunculi as his brothers. Watching the exchange Edward follows where Greed goes with his gaze, " Greed? You mean that Greed?" Greed walks up to Edward and squats down with a confused look on his face.

" I'm going to need you to help me out here kid, 'that' is a vague is term." Greed says, doing air quotes at the word 'that' for emphasis, "In Dublith there's this place called the Devil's Nest, and there was a Greed there too." Alphonse explains, "He kidnapped us." (Y/n) adds on, Greed oh's and stands back up.

"I'm sorry to hear that, no idea what you're talking about though."

Deadpanning at Greed's apathy (Y/n) stayed silent, "They are talking about the Greed who came before you." Father informs Greed who folds his arms, " Oh! Now I get it." Greed looks back at the group and scratched his head, "To answer your question... No, I'm different from the Greed you knew." Edward's eyes narrow, "Then what did you do to Ling!?"

Greed looks at the doorway of the place and passively responds, "Ling? So that's the brat's name, he was a funny one. Didn't put up much of a fight, you could say he welcomed me with open arms." (Y/n) clenches her fists, " 'Didn't put much of a fight?' That doesn't sound like Ling." Greed glances at (Y/n) with a crazed look.

" We're all a bit different on the inside."

As if on queue a boom pluses through the room, causing the many pipes to creak and rubble to fall from the ceiling. One piece of rubble fell and landed on the tip of (Y/n)'s nose, the second that it did the doors burst open.

Emerging from the door is a chimera, it sat patiently in front of the homunculi before staggering onto the floor, blood squirting out of it. Confused about what just happened everyone looks around for the culprits who were in no hurry to reveal themselves, May and Scar.

When the two fully walk into the room May quivers and clutches Scar's jacket, mumbling about the feeling that surged out of Father. The panda that somehow hasn't gotten lost starts running full speed toward May, "Xiao Mei! Thank goodness you are alive!" No one really knew what to do so they just watched the reunion.

However, Greed did and he started to clap, " Don't know who they are or why they're here, but this isn't this touching?" Ignoring Ling's daily antics- Greed's antics, everyone watches May and Scar converse. At the end of their conversation, Edward perks up, " One of them just called me little..." He mutters.

(Y/n) looks at Edward puzzled, "And you're able to tell because, how?" Alphonse tried to move his hand but it was still stuck under Envy, "It's the antenna on his head, it can be used for receiving, recording, and translating sound waves."(Y/n) stifles a laugh while Edward shoots a glare toward Alphonse.

But before any arguing is done May's high-pitched cries cause everyone to wince, "HOW DARE YOU PLAY WITH THE FEELINGS OF A MADIEN'S PURE HEART YOU GRAIN-OF-RICE-BOY!!" May blubbers other words about how Edward had unintentionally catfished her, "What did you do to that poor girl brother!? Take responsibility!" Alphonse says in the middle of May's tangent.

" I didn't do anything!"

"Damn Eddie, I didn't think
you were such a heartthrob."

"Not in this situation I'm not!"

"Wow- The confidence!"

"More like arrogance."

As much as Edward would've liked to yell at (Y/n) and Envy for what they both said, their attention is demanded elsewhere. Gluttony happily skips to Scar yelling something about how Scar can't use his alchemy, that statement would quickly prove itself false when Scar actually uses alchemy on Gluttony.

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