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Few Days Later

Nadia's pov

I'm in Jacksonville, Florida well, outside Jacksonville. My mom got a new house out in the country.

She has a back pond. There's the woods as well.

She loves living out there. It's sunny most of the time but it storms a lot tho.

My friends Colt and Dani are visiting Colt's parents. It's Dani's first time meeting his parents.

I've met his parents, but they were always on the road. His parents are Hunters too.

Both born and bred Hunters. However, they used to work for the British Men of Letters but left because they didn't like how they ran things.

They ran their own Hunting business. They retired after Colt became a Hunter too.

Dani's not a hunter but she's dating one. My mom and I are outside at the moment, getting some sun.

I can't tan because I'll burn. "So this is where you live?" I asked.

"Yes. It's beautiful and peaceful out here," my mom said. "Are you still working at an RN?" I asked.

"I am. I work evenings like I did in Lebanon," she said. "That's good," I said.

"How are you feeling after the whole Dean thing?" she asked. "I've been calling his phone but he never answers. I do get his voicemail, I listen to it everyday but I don't leave a message," I said.

"You miss him, don't you?" she asked. "I do. I miss him. Mom, there's something about him that makes me feel safe," I said.

"You like him, don't you?" she asked. "Yes, Mom, I like him. I liked him after Abaddon tried to injure me or kill me," I said.

"That's good. Does he feel the same?" she asked. "According to Sam, Dean's liked me since he and Sam came to my high school after Mark Beviss was found murdered," I said.

"When you were seventeen?" she asked. "Yes. I was almost eighteen," I said.

"Then he and Sam came to our house in Lebanon back in 2013 and the rest is history?" she asked. "Yes," I said, smiling.

"I hope he calls you back and tells you where he is," she said. "I hope. Or I'll summon a demon to find him," I said.

"Ask your dad. He'll know where Crowley and Dean are," she said. I nodded, sighing.

"I will. It's good to be here with you, Mom," I said.

"It's not a problem, sweetie. If you need time from the Bunker or from Dean and Sam, you can always come and visit me for however long you want to stay," she said.

"Thanks, Mom," I said, hugging her. She hugged me back.

"You're welcome, sweetie," she said, kissing my cheek. She held me close, I opened my eyes.

"Mom, there's something I need to tell you," I said. "What?" she asked, looking at me.

"I almost had sex with Sam," I said. "You what?" she asked.

"It was a few days after Dean was dead then Crowley somehow brought back Dean. Dean's body disappeared afterwards. Sam and I got very drunk and we made out and almost had drunk sex. I stopped him after realizing what we were doing and shouldn't be doing that while drunk," I said.

"Good thing you stopped him before going any further. I learned that lesson before I got pregnant with you," she said.

"You and Daddy were drunk when you made me?" I asked. "Yes. It was before I found out he was an incubus," she said.

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