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Nadia's pov

Dean and I are still at the Stynes' household, continuing to kill the rest of the family.

He shoots and stabs them while I start draining their blood. We're both covered in blood.

"Is that all of them, Nadia? Can you hear their thoughts?" Dean asked.
I looked around as I didn't hear anyone else.

"No more of them," I said. "Good now, let's go home," he said.

I finished draining my last one, snapping their neck. "Let's go," I said, drying my mouth off.

Dean and I left the area and drove back home.


We made it back to the Bunker. I notice something going on as I start hearing thoughts of three people.

"Dean, wait," I whispered, stopping him. Dean stops, turning to me.

"What?" he asked. "Eldon's here," I whispered.

Dean looks at me. "Good," he whispers.

, "However, he's not alone," I whisper. "How many is with him?" he asked.

"Two. One big dude and a teenager," I whispered. "Okay. I'll go through the garage, you sneak inside through the front door, seduce the big guy as a distraction. Then I go for the kill," he whispered.

I nodded, smiling. Dean goes around to the garage.

I stepped inside the Bunker, the door was kicked down. I slowly walked down the stairs, pulling my tank top down as its still covered in blood.

I stand by the stairs as I see Eldon and the kid, making piles. I see the big dude standing in front of me.

"Well, hello there," he said, smirking. "Hello, handsome," I said, smiling at him.

I walked down the stairs , slowly as I start seducing him with my eyes. "Why you here? We're gonna burn this place down," he said.

"Well, I came to be your entertainment," I said, pulling on his shirt. "Oh okay. I'm married but what my wife doesn't know won't hurt her," he said, leaning down.

I moved my eyes, seeing Dean quietly sneaking behind him. "But first," I paused, raising my eyebrow.

The big guy tries to kiss me then Dean stabs him in the back with a big knife. He starts groaning in pain.

He walks up to the library, groaning. "Roscoe?" Eldon asked. Roscoe falls dead to the ground.

Dean and I turned around, seeing Eldon and his little brother. "Well, well, there's Bonnie and Clyde. I hope you two brought marshmallows," Eldon said.

Eldon compares Dean and I to Bonnie and Clyde. "Bonnie and Clyde wish they were us," I said to Eldon.

"Nadia and I have been looking for you," Dean said. "Why's that? Oh you two are still sore about what we did to that girl," he said.

My blood starts boiling. "She had a name, you bastard!" I yelled.

"Her name was Charlie," Dean said. "Yeah, well. Chucky, she..," Eldon pauses as he takes his blazer off.

"..got what she deserved. What I did to her...," he said. "Shut up," Dean said.

"Straight to the point...I respect that. See you two got lucky before. This time...," Eldon rolls his sleeves up.

"I'm sporting upgrades," Eldon said as he showed his new arm with a tattoo. "Too bad your Daddy's dead," I said.

"Your old man is dead. They all are. So you can save us the speech on the three hearts, the two spleens, seven nipples for the ladies or the fellas. We don't judge, even with all that, you still have one brain," Dean said.

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