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Nadia's pov

We are at Lazy Shag bar. Everyone was drinking except Chuck and myself.

Chuck's getting weaker. I am still feeling contractions, they're getting more painful.

I'm scared for Dean, worrying about him. I started summoning my father, telling him what was going on.

'Where are you,' Kivon asked, in my head. 'Lazy Shag Bar. Hurry.' I thought.

I heard a whooshing sound. "So it is the end, isn't it?" Kivon said.

Everyone looks over, gasping. "Daddy," I mouthed, going to him. I hugged him.

"Hello, my daughter and granddaughter," Kivon said, touching my belly. "Hello, Kivon," Crowley said.

Kivon looked at Crowley with a smug look. "Crowley, it's been forever. I heard you've been calling my daughter half-breed," Kivon said.

"Yes, I did but I call her Squirrel's Kitten now," Crowley said. Kivon looks at me.

"Daddy, don't ask," I said. "Kivon, what are you doing here?" Sam asked.

"Nadia summoned me. So Dean's sacrificing himself to save the world?" Kivon asked. "He is," Sam said.

"Hello, Kivon," Chuck said. "God," Kivon said.

"Kivon," Cas said. "Castiel," Kivon said.

"So this is the mysterious Kivon," Rowena asked, in a flirty voice. Kivon looks at Rowena. "Who are you?" Kivon asked.

"Daddy, this is Rowena. The mother of Crowley. She's a witch that helps us," I said. "She's a spit fire but I'm taken," Kivon said.

"I know," I said. Sam walked to talk to Chuck, my father and I walked away.

I started groaning in pain quietly, feeling more contractions. "Nadia, everything okay?" Kivon whispered.

"I've been feeling contractions. I'm in labor. Don't say anything," I whispered, breathing. "Okay, just keep breathing," KIvon said.

I sighed softly as I started having more of them, breathing. "Chuck?!" Sam asked.

We looked over, and we don't see Chuck. "Where did he go?" I asked Sam.

"He just disappeared," Sam said. I rolled my eyes in the back of my head.

"Nadia, did you see something?" Sam asked. I can't see anything. My eyes went back to normal.

"I can't see anything. Amara's blocked herself from me. She's trying to break Dean and I up," I said, sitting down.

I clenched my fist as I felt another contraction. I checked my cervix again.

It's 10 centimeters dilated. I breathed quietly, calmly.

"Sweetheart, breathe," Kivon whispers. I breathed quietly, holding my belly.


A few moments later, my contractions slowed down. I look up as the sun brightens up.

"Guys!" I said. Everyone looks out the window.

Kivon helps me up as Sam heads outside first. We all stepped outside.

Sam and Rowena putting their hands over their eyes. I gasped softly, breathing a little.

"He did it," Crowley said. "He bloody did it," Rowena said.

"and Dean?" Cas asked. I look at Sam. "Sam?" I asked.

"He's dead," Sam said. I felt a sharp shooting pain in my back, gasping and crying out loud in pain.

Everyone looked at me. I fell to my knees, gasping.

"Nadia?!" Sam asked. I fall backward, Kivon and Sam catch me before hurting myself.

"Nadia, what's wrong, dearie?" Rowena asked. I breathed heavily while having a painful contraction, hissing.

"She's in labor," Kivon said. "She's what?!" Sam asked.

Cas got down, touching my belly. "We need to get her to the hospital. The baby is coming," Cas said.

Sam picked me up, I held onto him. They carried me into the car.

Kivon sat in the back with me. I continue to breathe.

Lebanon General Hospital

We got to the hospital. Sam was carrying me inside.

I started breathing as I felt another contraction. "My daughter's in labor," Kivon said.

A nurse came over with a wheelchair. Sam sat me down as I continued to breathe.

My contractions got worse, touching my belly. "Nadia, breathe," Kivon said.

They wheeled me to the delivery room. "Sorry, gentlemen. Only one person can come with," a nurse said.

"Daddy, can you come with me?" I asked. "I'll be with you, my daughter," Kivon said.

"Nadia, Cas and I will be out here!" Sam said. They wheeled me to the delivery room.

They got me on the hospital bed, I felt another contraction as it was more painful. They took my clothes off, putting a hospital gown on.

They hook me up on monitors. Dr. Gaines comes in, she's all prepared.

"Okay, Nadia, we need you to try and push the baby," Dr. Gaines said. I groaned in pain, continue to breathe.

"I don't think I can do this," I said, panicking. "You can do this," Kivon said.

He held my hand, breathing. "Take a deep breath and push," she said.

I took a deep breathes, started pushing. "Okay, you're doing good," she said.

I counted to ten, and breathed again. "Good job, sweetheart," Kivon said.

I breathed heavily. "Now push again," she said. I pushed as I started screaming in pain.

"Dean!" I yell for Dean. "Nadia, we need to not make any noise, okay," Dr. Gaines said.

I groaned quietly as I continued to push the baby.

An Hour Later

I've been pushing for an hour. Deanna hasn't come into the world yet.

"We need one more push and the baby will come out," Dr. Gaines said.
I breathed some more.

"Now, push," she said. I pushed one more, groaning in pain.

I screamed in agony. "The baby's coming. Her head's almost out," Dr. Gaines said.

"She's on her way," Kivon said. I stopped pushing, breathing.

Then I pushed again. "Very good, Nadia. One last push," she said.

I pushed one more time, cried out loud in pain. I pushed Deanna out completely.

"There she is," Kivon said, smiling. I took a deep breath, panting softly.

"It's a girl," Dr. Gaines said, placing Deanna on me.

Deanna started crying, I started crying. The nurses dry her off.

"Hey, sweetgirl," I said, teary. Dr. Gaines cuts the cord. Deanna continues to cry as they dry her off.

They took her to check on how healthy Deanna was. I slowly started passing out afterwards.

To be continued.....

That was the end of Star-Crossed book 1. Star-Crossed 2 is coming up.

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