1. The Sky Is My Mirror

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I let the sky weep in my stead
It's tears embraced me wholeheartedly
It's embrace covered my whole being
In doing so exposed my bodily engravings
Yet I felt no shame at such a sight

The pain I encompassed within
Overcame such feelings of care
I gazed up and felt even more sorrow
I couldn't see the sky
I only could see myself

Can no one see all it's tears
Can no one try to comfort it
Wipe it's tears and preach promises
Of a better day that's sunny and tearless
I place no blame upon them
For I see why they feign ignorance
No amount of cloth could ever fit it's face

With no one to ease it's pain
The sky ceases to weep on its own
For all those tears fall in vain
I now see why I cannot see the sky
I am in denial of my own fate
The sky is my reflection
It's fate is no different to mine

And so I hide my tears in its weeping

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