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"The only constant thing in life is change."

- Heraclitus


  Brilliant and truthful words from an ancient greek mind. Everything changes with time - people, values, things; even in small insignificant amounts or in bigger more difficult ways, change is a part of our lives and we have to adapt to it and look forward. With that in mind, I'd like to underline how change is not necessarily bad and could be very positive. 

  For example, when I was going into my teen years (not that I'm fully out of those years yet haha) everyone told me that I would change and I thought that they meant I would become like anyone else or turn into a bad person who was once good. It's funny how these silly little stereotypes of bad rebellious teens had gotten a hold of my view like that. Then the change steadily but surely happened and it changed my mind. I realised that growing up had improved me, it had turned me into an even better person (if that doesn't come off too selfish to state).

   Do you guys have any stories connected with change? Also, do you like it when I include small personal stories like that? Or should I keep the author's notes shorter? Have a great day/night!

- R. A.

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