"I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
- Maya Angelou
Honestly, such a true quote. We are just wired that way, no matter how logical and rational we can get or how much we say we choose to follow our heads instead of our hearts. It seems like even though our minds can be one step ahead, our emotions often have the upper hand. Our head needs a reason, a motivation to do something whereas our hearts just do it.
We all have feelings and they tend to be more profound and impactful than we like or imagine them to be. So it's best we do not suppress them and be mindful of the others' respective emotional side.
- Rachel
Quotes vol. 1.2
RandomEternal afflatus (volume 1.2) is the second book of quotes from different sites, songs, books, plays, films, video games, etc. It also includes thoughts of my own. No matter if you're looking for some inspiration, advice about life, support, self-he...