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"Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child."

- Vinod Kapri


  This quote is so truthful I only wish more people knew of it. Many children are easily born and left behind in some way. It doesn't matter if they were not loved, not cared for properly, forgotten or completely abandoned, they all came to be with the equal right to be treated nicely and raised with love, care, affection, etc. 

  However, not all parents are equally good at parenting and have the child's best interests at heart. Therefore, it is so important to be fully prepared to be a parent before becoming one. No one is obligated to teach you how or tell you when, but it is crucial. Adopted or not, a child is a child and you can't expect raising it to be easy, cheap or for the child to fix a relationship or a need. Having children is a choice with benefits and disadvantages, but most of all world-shaping responsibility.

  As regards, the quote - we all have to work for something in order to deserve having it.

- Archer

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