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"You can decorate absence however you want - but you're still gonna feel what's missing.."

- Siobhan Vivian, "Same Difference"


  Sadly, it is true, everyone has come to know what it feels like at some point and anyone who has been through this knows well enough so I am not going to comment on it.

 Though there's something else I'd rather talk about - It's weird how in this day and age we are more connected than ever through technology yet people feel more isolated and deluded as well. Some treat it like an alternate reality where they can feel free to lose their sense of self and morals to offend others. Some have these superficial and artificial relationships to keep their desire for socialising, feeling loved and accepted satisfied. 

   No matter what we try we can not find a substitute for face-to-face, profound and meaningful connections. Even if we tried to stick to all the etiquette and small details of communication from real life in the digital space such as telling our names, showing our faces, bodies, clothes, manners, vocabulary - it still would be different. So embrace reality and the people in it as much as you can!

- Archer

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