Choose Your Friends

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Bella POV
"Just one night Bels! One fun night!" Jayla promised for the thousandth time. She's been really ringing on my phone for twenty minutes to invite me to her house this weekend. Honestly, I was questionable about going because last time she was here she tried smoking. Luckily, she swore to never do it again. At least in my house and hopefully she managed to quit herself. We really hadn't been talking a little while since the last week of summer and having to decorate for my siblings's birthday parties. I've went an entire four weeks without a seizure which makes me all the happier. It's like I turned into Princess Belle overnight with all the kids giving me smiles, autographs and waves over my new song with Zedd. Sometimes I missed talking to Jay. Before anybody knew me, she knew me first. Perhaps this could give our friendship a chance to breathe again. "Please Bella. I haven't seen you in like forever! Except on the news apparently. Your song is freaking lit! My brother even listens it with his friends...yet he doesn't know the singer's practically sixteen." She slightly joked. I chuckled and shrugged. "Well thanks I think. Since I have no plans this weekend...." I trailed off. "Yay! Yes! Thank you! Thank you!" She cheered happily. I laughed and nodded. "I'll see you at two. Dad's security could drive me there." I told her. Jayla personally understood why my parents hadn't got me a car for my sixteenth. An epileptic can't drive by themselves. I fully realized it the moment I turned fifteen and figured I'd have to live this. Like Mom encouraged, I shouldn't treat myself like a burden because my condition can't take away my dreams or hopes. "Bels, I've really missed you. Truly." She said softly. I nodded. "You too Jay. You too." I said. "Alright! See ya rockstar!" She said and hung up. I closed my laptop since finishing my homework an hour ago. I rolled out of bed and changed into a Suicide Squad t-shirt, black uncut jeans with red vans. I didn't need some makeup cause's just Jayla. I combed and brushed my hair before letting it loose. Breanna rushed in and closed my door while leaning against it. My attention diverted to the pink-blueish water gun in her hands. Oh god. I turned, raising an eyebrow. "Water gun fight with Jace?" I guessed. She quickly nodded. "Yeah...I got him two times but I'll get him a third time." She said, slightly panting. "And this is your safe fortress?" I asked sarcastically. Unfortunately, my room keeps turning into their safe haven whenever they chase or prank each other. The results is getting half my room splattered with water, milk or toilet paper. Breanna huffed and shrugged. "Where else am I supposed to go?!" She whispered/yelled. I sighed. "Where is Jace anyway?" I asked. She hummed in response. "Probably scooping the whole house." She spoke in a serious tone. My brain clicked. This might be a way to help her beat him and leave my room perfectly clean. I smiled brightly. "Great! I have a plan." I said. "Like what?" She asked, the anxiousness in her voice. I went underneath my bed and pulled out my green water gun from Jace's birthday party. "We catch him by surprise." I told her. "Exactly, how?" Breanna asked confusedly. "Breanna! Breanna!" He sing-songed creepily. I motioned her to quiet and carefully unlocked the door before pulling her arm as we hide under the left side of my bed. He slowly opened the door, looking around. "Bella? Breanna? Come out wherever you are. Come out...." He trailed off. "3, 2, 1!" I whispered. We came out and squirted him with so much water. "Ahh! Ahh! Ahh!" He panicked hysterically while squirting back. We laughed and cheered. "Got you! Got you!" Breanna cheered. I smiled proudly. "Victory!" I cheered. Jace stopped but low-key pouted. "That was not fair. You helped Breanna get me." He said. I smiled and sighed. "At least my room is still clean." I muttered. He inhaled a deep breath. "Fine. You got me. Good job Bri." He admitted, half-smiling. She returned the gesture and shook a little wetness off her hair. "Thanks!" She said. I chuckled. My siblings are incredibly hilarious I'll admit. Tiny wet stains were splatted on my shirt and little bit on my hair but they'll dry soon. Jace smirked. "Wii time!" He cheered, referring to the game console. Breanna laughed. "You're on!" She said confidently. They raced out of the room. I dropped the water gun on my bed before following behind to go downstairs. Mom was sitting in the living room with her contact glasses on. She must be working on a movie because those papers look like scripts. I smiled. "Mom." I called. "Yeah?" She answered, not looking up from the laptop. I cleared my throat. "First off I finished my homework. Second, can Bernard drop me off to Jayla's house? It's been so long since we spoke and I really wanna catch up with her. We really didn't spoke after- she cut me off. "Yes." She quickly said. I huffed and growled. "Why can't I go?! Jayla's my friend! She deserve to- I stopped and whipped my head toward her confusedly. "Wait, what did you say?" I asked. Mom sighed. "Yes. You can go. What time he should pick you up? I want you home for dinner." She said. I began thinking for a few seconds. "5pm." I told her. She nodded and picked her phone up. "Perfect!" She squealed. Happy fireworks went off inside my brain. "Remember, 5pm. No crazy ideas. Go and return home." She repeated firmly. I quickly nodded. "I've also took my pill." I added. Mom smiled softly. "Good girl. Got everything?" She asked. I nodded and chuckled. "Great!" She beamed.

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