It's Friday, Bella's in Love

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A week later.

Bella POV
"Thanks Mom. Relax! Yes I took my pill and I'll be ready for the doctor's appointment tomorrow. Be really happy I went four weeks without an episode including during the VMAs. Yes, I'll be back by four. Rose will pick me up. Bye!" I said and hung up. I was standing patiently behind the door after Bernard dropped me off. I knocked two times. It took a minute until the door opened. Jin! He smiled sweetly. "Hi darling!" He said. A happy smile popped across the lips. "Babe!" I beamed. I instantly tackled him with a hug. He chuckled, hugging back. "How is my sweet lady?" He asked. We parted. I sighed happily. "She's super great! You'll be happy to know one thing." I told him. Jin motioned me to come inside. I walked in and he closed the door. "Like what?" He asked. "Hadn't had a seizure in four weeks. Now six weeks! Not to mention my doctor's appointment." I told him. His eyes widened. He hugged me tightly which made me laugh more. "That's amazing! I'm so happy for you! You're such a warrior babe!" He said. Having no episodes in a long while is seriously good. Sometimes I get small or short ones nowadays. Anyways, Jin and I are officially dating. Our first date was one beautiful picnic after the VMAs. That brought a whole lot of unwanted attention in school. Principal James had to let everyone know not to disturb me during lunches, classes and club activities. My Instagram is now private for safety purposes. It is a private school so it stays private. Jin truthfully crushed on me even before we done the Beauty & the Beast play. He is really sweet, down to earth and of course really handsome. Unfortunately, my parents still don't know because of last time. One thing is clear....he's not from an online dating site. We parted. He almost spoke until a herd of footsteps rushed downstairs. It's my first time being in his house and it seemed a little huge. Not huge like mine. Before I knew it, two little boys tackled him for a hug. "Jin Hyung!" They said in unison. Jin smiled. "Hey Maknaes!" He said. They parted. One looked about thirteen is Taehyung and Jungkook is about Jace's age. Their attention turned to me but smiled widely. "Bella!" They beamed and hugged me. I laughed, hugging back. "Hi guys!" I said. "How are you?" I asked. "We're good!" They answered in unison and parted. Jin snickered. "Why don't you two go play Fortnite? We have to get started on homework." He told them. Jungkook pouted. "But we're hungry!" He whined. Taehyung nodded in agreement. I smiled. "Who wants chips and sandwiches?" I asked. They cheered excitedly before running to the kitchen. Jin raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure?" He asked. I quickly nodded. He looked at me in awe and we followed behind.

After feeding the boys and playing Fortnite with them, me and Jin finally had time alone. The boys were upstairs while we stayed downstairs in the living room. His parents were still at work but they knew I was coming over. I looked at him confusedly. "Babe, we don't have homework." I told him. Jin smirked. "I know." He said. My brain clicked. It took me a few seconds to fight my oncoming laughter. He laughed. "Want some popcorn?" He asked. I smiled. "I could make it for you." He continued. Jin practically breathes for cooking and food. He likes making family dinners with their Mom which I found really sweet and cute. Not a lot of guys do that. "Can I help? I'd like butter on mine." I offered. He nodded, smiling. We got off the couch and cooked one popcorn packet. He pulled out a few snacks from the fridge. I wasn't thirsty yet I grabbed a water bottle in case. He sat the snacks and our buttered popcorn on the end table before sitting down. The Netflix movie I dared him to watch is He's All That. He didn't think it'd be good but man was he wrong. We laughed a few times and told him Grandpa was in the first She's All That movie. I laid my head on his shoulder once the Prom scene came. He smiled while wrapping his arm around my waist. "I've always thought about a prom experience." I spoke. Jin hummed. "Really?" He asked. I nodded and smiled sadly. "I didn't think I would have one. Used to believe some things you can't do because of being...disabled." I muttered shyly. He put my chin up gently and nodded in disagreement. "That's not true. You are more than your disability. Performing in front of people, facing photographers, winning your first award and you done all that without having a single seizure! That makes you super brave and a huge example for anybody who's going through the same thing yet it doesn't stop them from following their dreams nor have school experiences like prom. You're stronger than you think Bella." He said. The whole time tears were threatening to escape. I smiled warmly. A tear naturally fell from my eye. He returned the gesture and wiped it with his finger. "That makes you even more beautiful." He spoke kindly. Sometimes this makes me a little emotional. Even because I finally done it. We leaned closer and kissed passionately. I parted from him. "Alright! Selfie time!" I said, smirking. He chuckled. We snapped a photo and I posted on my Instagram.


Happy hour with this one💞👥 kimseokjin

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Happy hour with this one💞
👥 kimseokjin

But one thing's for sure. I really really like Jin.


Next Day.

"ISABELLA ROSE DUNHAM! GET YOUR BUTT HERE NOW!" Dad's voice screamed throughout the house. I instantly jumped, dropping my hair comb on the floor. My heart started racing crazily. "Coming!" I shouted a bit shakily and quickly rushed downstairs to the living room. The sight was a crazy scene for me. Dad was fuming in rage and Mom seemed quiet but looked upset. It almost made me scared to ask what's wrong. "Tell us. Where were you yesterday?" He asked firmly. Shit. I tried inhaling a calm breath if it weren't for my heart racing. I smiled sheepishly. "I was at Kaylee's." I told him. Mom hummed in response and rubbed her temple. "Baby, remember when we talked about making your Instagram private? Cause we don't want you too exposed since the award show?" She asked. I nodded confusingly. "Do you remember what happened the last time we had your phone?" She asked. Finally, my brain clicked. My photo with Jin! My jaw dropped. Mom raised an eyebrow knowingly. Dad hadn't wiped off his growling face. I exhaled a breath nervously. "Ok, I can explain—He cut me off. "LIKE WHAT?! YOU HAVE A BOYFRIEND WE DON'T KNOW ABOUT?! LYING TO US ABOUT GOING TO AUNT SIMONE'S?! YOUNG LADY, THIS IS—SHIT!" He yelled angrily. Mom crossed her arms and sighed. "Bella, I have nothing but say except why'd you lied. You can't lie and sneak off to someone else's house. For all we know, it could've been a serial killer or psycho wanting to hurt you. Why would you break our trust once again?" She said calmly but in a serious tone. I looked down and managed not to cry. "Sorry. I'm really so so sorry. I know I should've been honest with you. I was planning on telling you. We've started dating after the VMAs. I liked him long before so I needed to be sure he wouldn't be using me or dating me because I'm your daughter. Jin's really down to earth, kind, super sweet and you'd like him very much—Mom cut me off by hugging me. I hugged back. "Sweetie, it's alright. We only wanted to protect you and make sure nobody's taking advantage of you. Jin is indeed a good guy. I knew you liked him the moment you both spoke at your fifteenth birthday. Remember, you can always come talk to us about anything and don't have to feel embarrassed or scared." She told me. Dad inhaled a long breath. We parted. Honestly, I was slightly afraid of his reaction. He hadn't let go of what happened with Hayden. "Princess, I love you so so much. You and Breanna are my precious diamonds that I'd protect from anything or anyone who'd break them. I was upset you lied but didn't think differently about Jin. I like the kid. Just don't ever run off like that to someone's house without telling us where or whom. It's extremely unsafe. Ok?" He said softly. I smiled and nodded. He hugged while kissing my forehead. "And about Jin, he's welcomed to dinner on Sunday. Better dress properly." He said jokingly. Mom rolled her eyes and smirked. "Better not get embarrassed." She joked. I chuckled. My parents are the greatest. I'll try coming to them for things without hesitation.

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