Bringing Harry & Hailey Home

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A few moments silence is what we received from the kids. The twins were practically in their own world playing on their mat. We explained what happened yesterday, leaving out the medical cause of Valerie's passing. Another minute of silence went by. "What happens to the twins?" Bella asked, managing not to cry. Bryce looked at her confusedly. "What do you mean?" He asked. Jace hadn't looked up from his fingers. "Are they gonna be in a orphanage? Or foster care?" He asked. Breanna sniffled, wiping a tear. "Mom, Dad they can't take them away." She cried and ran into his arms. Bryce put her on his lap while whispering soothing words. I rubbed her hair comfortingly. The others remained awfully silent. He hugged her and kissed her cheeks. "Princess, we are not putting them in a orphanage or foster care. They're not gonna be there. Ok?" He spoke. A happy smile popped on my face. "Yeah. They're living with us." I told them. In a second, the silence broke. "What?" They blurted in unison. We made eye contact and smiled before turning to them. "We would like to introduce you to your twin siblings. Harry and Hailey." He playfully introduced. In a second, happy cheers including hugs broke out. Jace cheered wildly while running in a circle. "I have a brother! I'm a big brother!" He cheered. Breanna hugged Bella happily. "I'm a big sister! We have a baby sister!" She cheered. We laughed more. She smiled happily. "We sure do!" She said. He stopped running and inhaled a deep breath. "You guys adopted them?" He asked. Bella huffed annoyedly. "I believe that's what they meant." She sassed. I laughed and patted his shoulder. The twins let out a huge cry which startled them. Bryce snickered. "Let's not celebrate without your little siblings huh?" He teased, kneeling down to pick up Harry. I carefully picked up Hailey and kissed her forehead. The kids stared at them in awe. "But how will you guys manage with your schedules?" Bella wondered. "We'll talk on getting a nanny next year. Right now it's Christmas time. I think they have Christmas PJs to match for our family tradition." I said, smirking at the last part. Breanna smiled sweetly. "Hi Hailey. I'm your big sister Bri. We're gonna do loads of things together. Especially adding glitter to it." She cooed. Bella giggled. "You're so adorable!" She squealed and kissed her cheek. It made her giggle. "And for the time being, they'll be sleeping in our room until we get them a bedroom." Bryce added. Jace held Harry's hand and playfully wave it. He let out a few giggles. I'm seriously mind blown by how they instantly bond with their big siblings. Hailey waved a little finger as if wanting them to touch it. Bella held both hands while mumbling a lullaby. Jace was pretty much making Harry laugh whatsoever. Bryce carefully put him in his arms. My heart melted! Harry happily made little sounds. Same did Hailey with the girls. I kissed her little fingers. She giggled more. "They're so lucky." Breanna said. Bella looked at her weirdly. "What do you mean?" She asked. "Their birthday is around Christmas." She told her. I smiled amusedly. Means we have two celebrations this month. Harry touched Jace's nose with his tiny finger and babbled. He playfully opened his mouth which he copied. Bryce smirked. "Hm, seem like he listens to you a lot." He said. I returned the gesture and nodded. Breanna smelled the air and covered her nose disgustedly. I was confused until their faces scrunched in disgust. "What's that smell?" Bella asked. The air seemed contaminated by stink. My eyes diverted to Hailey. She babbled, putting her hand in her mouth. Bryce smiled and took Harry off his arms. "Babe..." He trailed off. I laughed and got up. "We'll be back. They need changing." I told them. We walked upstairs to change their diapers.

******No one's POV******

In the kitchen.

"Do people even use nutcrackers?" Jace asked dazedly. He finished icing his gingerbread house and started putting the candies on. "Don't know. Maybe it's for people who has a nut obsession." She answered, icing her house door. Bella stuck her tongue out. "I don't. I don't like nuts." She stated. They scrunched their noses disgustedly. "Me either/Eek!" They replied in unison which made them laugh. Sounds of tiny giggles were heard from the living room. They could hear their younger siblings giggle on the play mat as their parents entertain them with silly faces, playful singing, toys. A happy-joyful moment like this brought a smile on their faces. After finding out Valerie passed, all they're grateful is her birthing two angels who they'd do anything for. A sudden feeling to protect them, look out for them, care for all their little things and big things. Jace was truly thankful to have a little brother who'll look up to him. Watch and play sports, talk about girls, do upmost-insane pranks on their sisters and learn how to shave. Breanna and Bella could happily imagine becoming their youngest sister's role models. Tea parties, dress-ups, sleepovers, watching Princess movies and female growth conversations when she's older involving periods, body, hair, boys. They knew the struggles a girl could face in a day-to-day life and want her to be happy, comfortable, strong, independent. Their older siblings were willing to fulfill Valerie's wishes and dreams unknowingly. Focused on their gingerbread houses, they didn't notice Lizzy coming in with a camera. She smiled cheerily and snapped the picture. The sound made them look up weirdly. "Mom? We weren't ready?" Bella asked in a obvious tone. She scoffed, laughing. "No it's fine! You guys keep doing what you're doing. We now have three pictures for our scrapbook page. Almost four because someone took a picture of themselves." She said, eyeing Jace. He smiled dashingly. "You want some holiday cheer? Here it is." He spoke confidently. Breanna sighed annoyedly. "I can't believe I was stuck on a ski lift with you of all people." She said, remembering the time the family went on a ski trip two months ago. Jace glared while putting candies on his candy rooftop. "Tell that to my broken bone." He said. Bella rolled her eyes. "Listen, it isn't our faults you broke your wrist trying to snowboard downhill." She spoke sassily. "That's because Uncle Phil 'playfully' pushed me!" He growled, using air quotes. Breanna cringed painfully. "The feeling is mutual." She muttered. The kids being aware of their accident-prone uncle brought giggles in Lizzy's mouth. Jace's wrist had stitches for three weeks until it healed perfectly. Lizzy covered her mouth from oncoming laughter. "Guys—Uncle Phil—he didn't mean to—I'm so sorry!" She laughed. The girls hid their mouths while giggling and Jace did nothing but pout. Lizzy playfully ruffled his hair after calming down. "It's alright baby. We know." She assured. Instantly, the twins let another cry. The kids covered their ears the moment they heard. "Milk time!" Bryce's voice shouted from the living room. Lizzy rushed upstairs and grabbed the empty bottles before coming downstairs. She still heard the twins's loud cry, cleaning and filling the bottles of warm milk. Somehow their cries slowly calmed down. She came in to see Jace rocking Harry and Bella rocking Hailey on the couch. Her heart nearly fluttered in awe. Bryce breathed a breath of relief but motioned her to quiet. Lizzy approached them and handed them the bottles. "You know what to do." She whispered, reminding how she taught them to feed the twins while carrying. Jace nodded in understanding. The twins drank quietly as they rocked them repeatedly. Lizzy smiled proudly. "Good job." She whispered impressively. Bryce returned the gesture. "You done amazing." He whispered. They smiled, staring into their bright doe eyes full of innocence. The heartwarming moment had Lizzy and Bryce snap pictures before taping them in the scrapbook. The twins slowly stopped drinking due to falling asleep peacefully.

******Christmas Day******

"Eat this!" Jace yelled, throwing another snowball yet Bryce dodged it. Breanna laughed and threw a couple more toward him. Unfortunately, one splashed on the back of Bella's head. Her jaw dropped as she turned around. Bryce, also slipped and fell from a nearby ice spot. Everyone howled in laughter. Jace's eyes went teary from the laughter. The four was practically having competitive snowball wars in the backyard which was technically Bryce's Christmas surprise. Their excitement went higher after opening presents and getting permission to wear PJs with warm coats including gloves to play outside. Considering it was still morning, Lizzy cooked breakfast casserole. A baby monitor camera laid on the counter with a footage of the twins asleep in their room in order to keep a watchful eye. Putting the food in the oven gave her time to check the camera. The twins were beginning to awaken. An alertness ushered her after turning off the camera. She walked upstairs and went to their bedroom. "Hello my cuties." She cooed, smiling. The twins giggled happily which made her heart sour. She bent to kiss their cheeks and tickle their bellies. It only had them giggling more. "Woke up already?" A familiar voice asked behind. Bryce. Lizzy hadn't took her attention off them. "Just did. That monitor works magic." She responded. Their doe eyes twinkled once Bryce's presence shown. "Food's in the oven?" He asked. She nodded, picking up Harry. He kissed Hailey's cheeks before picking her up. They grabbed their bottles and went downstairs.

The family enjoyed a fantastic breakfast and the twins were fed. Home Alone played on the TV as Bella, Jace and Breanna were drinking their cups of chocolate syrupy-whip creamed hot chocolate. The twins, on the play mat, seemed upbeat with little babbling. In the kitchen, Bryce smiled too giddily while sipping his cup. Lizzy watched quite suspiciously. "Hon, why you're so jumpy? Is there a mistletoe above me?" She asked. He smiled, grabbing her hands and pulling her to the kitchen exit. A green-white frosted mistletoe was hanged above them. A sudden bubbly warmth fulfilled her since it's their first mistletoe kiss. Bryce felt the exact feeling because it brings another wonderful surprise. They leaned closer and kissed passionately. The special one they hadn't had in a while. She caressed his cheek once they slowly parted. Bryce let out a long breath he held. "I've been waiting for this since that ski trip." He joked but in a serious tone. Lizzy batted her eyelashes irritatedly. "You're under the mistletoe so stop stalling and just kiss me." She spoke. He nodded in disagreement while pulling out a red box with a green wrapped ribbon. Her eyes widened. "Open it." He whispered, smiling. She opened it and instantly gasped. (Up top). "What is—this?" She managed to say. Bryce smiled happily. "A reminder that my Queen also serves the kingdom. I'll always listen to her, help her, protect her like she does with our kids." He told her. He wore the same golden necklace with the title King. Lizzy's mind snapped back to one question. "What about the kids's?" She asked. "They have theirs. Bella and Breanna have the princess ones and Jace have the prince one. We'll get more for the twins when they grow." He said. She looked at him in awe while wrapping an arm around his neck. "I love you too much. I don't deserve you." She whispered. He smiled warmly. "Same." He said. They took a moment and watched their kids have an awesome time together. Nothing but grateful and thankful for creating a huge family together with their love. And during Christmas is just another piece of cake.

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