Walker vs. Walker Vol 2

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"Kids! Come down now! We got a surprise!" I yelled. Bryce laughed. "We're so lucky this even fits our huge living room." He said. I nodded in agreement and managed to relax my excitement. A noisy herd of footsteps was heard as they came in. Their jaws dropped shockingly. "Mom...what the..." Bella trailed off. I smiled widely. "You are invited to wrestle in the Walker Family ring!" I cheered. Bryce playfully cheered while whistling. The huge smile hadn't left Jace's face for a minute. Breanna was crazily beaming right now. He cheered happily. "Is this ours? Is this really ours?" He asked. I chuckled. "Actually, it's Uncle Phil and Skip's now. Your Auntie Lexi got me this because us and your aunts used to play wrestle all the time when we were little. I once beaten Aunt Alyssa as one of my favorite wrestlers." I told him. "Uncle Phil and Skip have it now?" Breanna asked. I nodded, smiling sheepishly. "Yes. I honestly outgrew it a little but Uncle Phil and Skip wanted to keep it but they would let us use it anytime. We would wear wrestle gear, do theme song entrances and pretend to be our favorite wrestlers." I told her. Bryce put up a stern finger. "First, be careful when you're wrestling each other. The moves they do are kinda dangerous and could injure someone." He said. Bella smiled innocently and crossed her arms. "How awesome you brought a 'dangerous' ring to your ten year old kids and your teenage kid with a brain condition." She said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and smirked. "Of course you can't play wrestle. We were thinking you'd invite your friends to wrestle each other. If you're gonna do it then someone's gotta watch you. Bella! Thanks for volunteering!" I said, smiling at the last part. Her eyes widened. Jace covered his mouth in a chuckle. Breanna playfully smirked. "Took your medicine?" I asked. She quickly nodded before flunking herself on the couch boringly. I smiled. "Hey, cheer up! Grandma Lena is dropping off Sybil today to see you. Maybe she'll love watching you all wrestle or join. If any of you break limbs, legs or arms, I'll gladly go for the behind." I said firmly. Jace and Breanna slightly gulped. Bella huffed and rubbed her hair. "What about Kaylee? She's coming over this minute!" She told me. Bryce scoffed, smiling. "That'll be great. You three can have some fun while watching these two wrestle or you join!" He said. Breanna cheered happily. "Yes!" She beamed. Jace facepalmed his forehead. "Mom, Dad I don't think I should wrestle her." He told us. "Why?" We asked. "Why?" She asked annoyedly. He rolled his eyes and smirked. "You're a girl. I don't fight girls." He told her. She returned the gesture before she kicked between his legs. Jace groaned in pain. "Ahh!" He blurted. Our jaws dropped. Bella covered her mouth in shock. He held his private area dearly. "That hurts!" He growled through gritted teeth. Breanna smiled proudly. "But it feels good!" She beamed. We bursted into laughter and managed to calm down. Bryce giggled while padding his shoulder. "You alright son?" He asked. He inhaled a deep breath. "I think I'm gonna take a minute...or while from wrestling." He whispered in his ear. I chuckled as he rushed upstairs. "Anyways, can you all behave well today? Me and Dad are spending our time alone. Remember? No harsh wrestling and no injuries." I asked. Breanna nodded, putting a thumbs up. Bella smirked teasingly. "I think Jace getting an icepack tells everything." She joked. Breanna low-key giggled. Bryce playfully picked her up. Even though she's ten, he can still lift her easy peasy. He kissed her forehead. "Daddy could take you to the gym with him and practice your punches. Jace can learn how to box." He spoke. Jace came in holding an icepack on his private and opened the fridge. Breanna raised an eyebrow doubtfully. "Maybe he should do punches." She told him. I playfully rolled my eyes and smiled. "Alright." I said. He put her down and we left the room.

Bella POV
Kaylee arrived a minute before Sybil. They cheered, watching Breanna cartwheeling around the ring. Jace was still being sour about his "fragile manhood." Not to mention unnecessary flirting with Kaylee. Sybil smiled at me. "Those two are nuts!" She said, giggling. I snickered. "Seems like it." I said. Kaylee laughed while filming Breanna on Jace's back practically wrestling his throat. "How come you're not joining?" She asked. What does she mean? Doesn't she know I have epilepsy? Maybe cause we haven't been around Dad's family more than Mom's. It's hard to admit your condition because it'll be the only thing people know about you. I want people to know me first before 'sick girl' or 'Miss Epileptic'. I inhaled a deep breath and smiled. "Not the wrestle type. My siblings probably are but not me. No way." I lied. She nodded in understanding. Kaylee turned to me and smirked. "Breanna lost round two but round three's getting better!" She joked but in a serious tone. I chuckled. "True!" I agreed. She hummed in response. "I'm already sure why you're not wrestling." She said. Sybil shrugged. "Wrestling's not for everybody I suppose. Especially me." She told her. Kaylee was confused. I rolled my eyes. "She doesn't know." I whispered in her ear. "Know what?" She whispered. I pointed to my head while playfully shaking my hand a little. She nodded in understanding. "Excuse me, what's with the whispers?" Sybil asked. Her voice sounds very soft and she is utmost beautiful it kinda makes me jealous. I fake smiled. "Nothing! Just discussing our school play we did." I lied. She gasped shockingly. "Really? No fair! I've always wanted to do a play before. We don't have much school plays at my school- Kaylee cut her off. "Bels, any vacation plans? Anything?" She asked. I laughed. "We'd have a list of anything we pick!" I joked. "Agreed!" Breanna and Jace said in unison. She chuckled. "If you had to pick New York, Paris or Greece what would you pick?" She asked. I fake pouted. "Now it's a difficult one. Uh...uh..." I trailed off. Sybil smiled shyly. "If I was on vacation, I'd pick- I cut her off. "Oh! Greece yes! Greece would be an entire adventure!" I cheered. Kaylee slightly groaned. "Dang. I was hoping you'd pick Paris. It's beautiful, fashionable and seeing the freaking Eiffel Tower. The food is even delicious!" She beamed. I raised an eyebrow. "Have you been watching Emily in Paris?" I asked sarcastically. Kaylee smiled sheepishly. "How'd you know?" She whispered. I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Sybil almost spoke till Breanna and Jace got out the ring. They looked sweaty after wrestling for two hours. She stretched tiredly. "I'm tired Bels. Beating Jace was awesome but tiring." She said. He rolled his eyes annoyedly. "Again I let you cause you're a- he was cut off when she aimed her foot between his legs. "My sister who shouldn't get hurt." He said, gulping a bit. Kaylee low-key snickered. "Alright guys. You can go upstairs and take showers now." I told them. They nodded before running out of the room. "Guess the ring's available. Anyone wanna go? Except me of course." I asked. Sybil cleared her throat abruptly. "I'll go. Me vs...Kaylee!" She told me. My eyes widened. Exactly what?! Kaylee smiled confidently and got off the couch. "Really?" She asked. She nodded. "But Sybil, you said you didn't like it!" I panicked. She scoffed and took off her shoes. "Doesn't mean I can't try. It's only wrestling, not MMA fighting." She said. There's a difference between getting your face pounded or planting a couple facers. I inhaled a deep breath nervously. "Are you sure about this?" I asked. Kaylee playfully rolled her eyes. "Bels, stop worrying. We'll be safe and fine. Just a regular match eh Sybil?" She said. Sybil nodded surely. "First you'll have to pick which WWE Diva to pretend with the theme song. Which one?" She asked. She smiled confidently. "I'll be AJ! What about you KayKay?" She asked. AJ? Oh no. Kaylee returned the gesture. "Paige!" She beamed. I facepalmed my forehead. This can't be good.

After a while, Breanna was holding her JoJo microphone as 'announcer'. AJ's theme song began playing. Sybil came out playfully skipping and wore her attire:

 Sybil came out playfully skipping and wore her attire:

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She smiled brightly. "This contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from West Coast California, Sybil Dunham!" She introduced. She done a cute pose and entered the ring. Jace was the referee. It made me laugh how Breanna was announcing them. The song died down for Paige's to play. I watched as she proudly show off her muscles and smirked confidently. "And her opponent, from Beverly Hills California, Kaylee Siler!" She announced. She went in the ring and playfully leaned against the ropes. I played the bell sound from my phone. Nervousness built up as the match began.

Our jaws dropped. Kaylee beaten Sybil! Makes sense because I was worried she'll get hurt and Kaylee's watched WWE a few times. I used the bell sound before her theme song played. Jace raised her hand, smiling. "And the winner is Kaylee Siler!" Breanna beamed. She cheered happily. Sybil managed to move while groaning in pain. Damn. She did great but took loads from her. Kaylee offered her a hand but she ignored and left the ring. Everyone shared confusion. I motioned Kaylee I'll go talk to her. She nodded and I followed behind. In our bathroom, she was bandaging the scratches on her arm. I sighed sadly. "Are you ok?" I asked. Sybil inhaled a deep breath. "What was wrong with me today? All this even though it's not me?" She asked. I crossed my arms. "Why did you do it? I was deeply concerned because knowing you wrestling isn't your style. Why Sybil?" I asked. She smiled sadly. "Guess I probably felt left out from you and Kaylee. You both are really close. We barely know each other and- I cut her off. "Sybil, we are friends and we do know each other. Family too. There's no reason why we can't be friends. You don't have to do things you don't like to make me your friend. You already are because you're sweet, kind and caring. If it makes you feel better, I can't automatically wrestle. I have epilepsy." I explained. Her jaw dropped. "Wow. I'm so so sorry Bella. I didn't know." She told me. I smiled warmly and shrugged. "Can we be friends?" I asked. She returned the gesture and hugged me. "Yes!" She squealed. I laughed, hugging back. Mom was right. Sybil would've been my friend anyway.

The Dunhams (Sequel to Better or Bad - Lizzy Walker)Where stories live. Discover now