Flowers and Oranges

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"I paint flowers so they will not die"

- Frida Kahlo


The aftermath of the war hit her hard. Hit her family hard. And they all each fell down into their own little pits of darkness.

Her father spent his days locked up in his study, only leaving for bed late at night. Her mother spent her days wandering aimlessly around the quiet house, having nothing to do besides walking and walking and walking in silence. Her brother turned to alcohol and drank himself senseless to relieve the pain he constantly felt, the guilt he constantly endured.

And she...well she was a mixture of all of them.

She spent her days mostly locked up in her room, having the elfs bring her meals and water. When she got bored, which happened once a full moon, she dragged herself out of bed and took a stroll around the house, purposefully avoiding that one room. When she got filled with self hatred and disgust, she would drink until she forgot her own name.

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now