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"Want to tell me what the hell that was about last night?"

Hearing her brother's sharp words next to her ear was not the way Leilani wanted to be woken up this morning. She groaned and rolled over, ignoring him. When Draco only walked around the bed to her other side, she lifted the covers over her head.

Did she ever mention that her brother was as stubborn as a damn cow?

He gripped the covers and snatched it away from her, making it fall to the ground. Leilani finally opened her eyes, glaring up at her brother who stood by her bed with a raised brow. "What?" she snapped.

"Did I stutter, Leilani? What were you doing with Weasley?"

She rolled her eyes, moving to a sitting position, dragging her fingers through her hair. An idea popped into her head and as she bit back a smirk, she met her brother's eyes with a teasing tilt of her brow "You really want me to answer that?"

Draco paled, face falling. Then he did a double take on the smug look on his sisters face and released a sigh of relief "You little shit, don't scare me like that"

She huffed a laugh, standing up and moving past him to her wardrobe "Then don't meddle in my business"

"I will never not meddle in your business" he replied calmly, falling into her bed and resting his arm behind his head. He watched her rummage through her wardrobe, searching for her uniform. "'re not going to tell me then?"

"No" Leilani replied, finding it and going into the bathroom to change. Her brother was still on her bed when she was done, although now he was gulping down the contents in his flask. When he noticed her staring, he raised it in the air with a 'cheers' making her roll her eyes "Was there something else, Draco?"

"Must there be something, Lani?" He asked, standing up and throwing an arm around her shoulders as they walked out of her dorm "Can't a brother spend time with his favorite sister?"

"I'm your only sister"

"Still" he shrugged "I miss you. We should do something tonight, only you and me"

Her heart warmed and she felt her features soften "Sure"

Draco grinned and winked down at her, letting go of her when they reached the common room and he spotted Theo talking with Blaise. Leilani watched with amused eyes as Draco jumped onto his back, strangling him. Theo's eyes widened as he staggered backwards, trying to get her brother off his back. When there was little to no success, he turned to her with pleading eyes. "Perhaps some help?"

She chuckled, walking over and patting her brother on the back "Now, now Draco. Theo doesn't want to get his clothes all wrinkly, we are going to McGonagall's class after all"

Draco paused as Theo groaned, a smirk growing on his face as he let him go "You're right, Lani. Wouldn't want to ruin his chances of getting a date with our headmistress"

"Oh fuck off, both of you" Theo grumbled with a chuckle and a roll of his eye. Then he spotted Blaise laughing silently "And what are you laughing about, Mr hypocrite? Am i the only one who happens to remember a funny little story about Blaise and Trewlany?"

The grin on Blaises face was wiped off just as quickly "Prick"

Theo only winked.

Leilani bit back a smile when he spotted her with a smug smirk, throwing his arm over her shoulder and bringing her close to his side, leaving a kiss on top of her head "Is there something i can help you with, Theo?"

Theo huffed "Well yes there is, i need details, Flower. Don't leave anything out"

"About?" she asked, knowing very well what and who he was asking about. When Theo gave her a pointed look, Leilani sighed and rolled her eyes "Since when did you turn into Draco?"

Flowers and Oranges - Ron WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now