pure thoughts

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I took a look at myself in the mirror as I stood in my bikini top. It was a little late at night but the guys were at chilling by the pool of course with groupies. I decided to come back up to my room and change just to join them as I wanted to go for a little swimming. I thought it was an appropriate outfit but I didn't really care as I just wanted to have a little fun.

"What the fuck do you have on?" Cube asked as I came up to them with it on. With my towel around my waist. Him and the boys were there playing cards and smoking as usual. But it seemed it really change when I came outside. "I'm going swimming."

"But we ain't swimming." He went on making me roll my eyes. "Just because you aren't swimming doesn't mean I don't want to. Plus I'm bored." I shrugged at him as if I didn't make a big deal out of it. My eyes were on me as I just stood there but I went away in seconds.

When I went over to the pool, O'Shea had become quiet nothing pierced out of his mouth. They all just stared at me. But I didn't pay it any mind.

When I took my towel off from around my waist that's when the whistling came in like they were waiting for me to do it. "Y'all are some goddamn creeps. Focus back on the game!" Cube yelled at them as he saw the attention I was getting. The only voice I heard in response to his yelling was easy and that was him making a little joke.

"We will stop staring at your  girlfriend." He said chuckling making me who was slowly getting into the water look at him with a glare and I wasn't the only one. Cube kicked his leg under the table.

"She ain't my girlfriend." He made it clear. "She better not be." One of the fast groupies beside them said making my eye roll. Where did they even find them? Shit, I wouldn't be suprise if they just picked them up from the hotel, or maybe jerry. Their manager.

I was guessing they weren't thinking I was hearing. From the far view, I was I contained every inch of shit they came from their mouths. So much and their dumbasses didn't know.

I rolled my eyes as I began to enjoy myself in the cold water. I relaxed as I floated my body up separating my arms and legs on top of the water, I laid my head back and I then closed my eyes. When I did all that I noticed that things had gotten a little quiet. Nothing was said. When I noticed that it was too quiet, I peaked my eyes off to the side to see them all looking at me like a bunch of creeps. When I caught their stares they instantly went back to the game pretending like they weren't even noticed in my eyes.

"Perverts," I muttered as I went back to relaxing. When I did relax, I heard a bunch of laughter from them, distracting me from my close thoughts. "Babbby... I'm hot just like an oven, I need some lovinggg--- and-" I heard someone sing before being smacked loudly. When I heard the smack, I began to reopen my eyes, lifting my body down underneath the water, I stuck my head and I had seen that the person who was now groaning in pain was Mc and I could tell the person next time who was eazy was the one who did the slapping.

I began to giggle as I saw how angry eazy was. When the boys noticed my laughter that all looked at me collectively mostly eazy who seemed to catch my attention. "I'm sorry. Didn't mean to disturb you." He waved down the situation as he gave me a short-minute excuse. I began to nod as my eyes went away from him. Before I could go back to relaxing I did however catch how intensely he did look at me right after, like he wanted to say more. But the boys pulled his attention on the game for the fourth time so he didn't say much.

Even when he didn't, I caught myself somewhat glossing over him. It was weird. He had a nice smile though.

When I got out of the pool, I met with a towel by cube. He wrapped it around my body instantly before covering me up. The boys were getting ready to call it a night and I was prepared to get my own beauty rest. Like always though O'Shea was there occupying me like the gentleman he always was.

    ❛. 𝑱𝑼𝑺𝑻 𝑨 𝑭𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑵𝑫  ⸻ ɴᴡᴀ . ❜ Where stories live. Discover now