After party

652 45 13

"How come Eazy has the better suit than all of us," I said as I looked around at the party that was going on around. "Like this is beautiful," I said to Ren as I was sitting next to him by the couch, unlike the rest he wasn't contrasting into an orgy.

Girls were kissing each other and so on. People humping all around. I was sipping on my juice though along with ten as I was shocked by all of the porno in the room.

"Yeah...I just noticed. But that's probably because Jerry decided to switch with him."

"Why would Jerry do that?"

"Complications with the rooms. The one he had before barely had anything in it. It was much worse than ours. But I ain't complaining. We sure can through these types of parties in this shit. I'm down." He ran off his saying as he didn't care to find the right explanation. I rolled my eyes at the high and drunk boy before looking over to Cube talking to dre on a separate couch with some girls.

I stared longingly as I saw how touchy feelky the girl was with dre. I didn't like it. Not one bit.

"Oh shit..." Ren said beside me as he cuffed up a pillow that was behind my back, I sat up a little as I was confused by all the sudden movements.

"What?" I asked as I was confused about why he removed the pillow I had my back onto. He turned the couch pillow over to me as she showed me the clear signs that someone disgusting throw up on it that I didn't notice. I covered my mouth as I felt offered the discovery.

"You laying in this shit." Ren laughed at me as she saw it for himself. "Ew, get that away from me!" I complained as he just dangled the pillow in my face showing me the mess that was still there it was truly beyond disgusting. I couldn't imagine someone throwing up beside me when I didn't notice, or maybe somebody nasty ass placing the pillow back after they threw up on it.

Who does some shit like that!?

Ren looked at the people who standing and chilling beside the couch. "Aye aye! Which one of you nasty motherfuckers did this shit?" He asked making the group of people that were beside us turn and look. The Posey didn't say a word as they looked weirdly at Ren as he was just yelling at the top of the roof.

"Shit is gross." He complained making me agree. I felt the ends of my black hair checking to make sure none of that stuff got on me. Luckily I was safe but the thought of those germs being inches away from my hair made me enough with disgust.

I took the pillow from ten and quickly throw it blindly in place. I threw it away because Ren was waving around.

"What the fuck!" Instantly shouted at the group that was on the couch in the direction that I threw it purposely in. I began to smile as I saw the girl sitting in Cube's lap glare at me. Cube was disgusted because the pillow that I threw mostly hit him and almost got on him.

He pushed the girl off his lap though as he began to get and try to make sure the throw-up wasn't staining his clothes.

"Maxine! Haha!" Laughed ren as he saw all that I did. I hit him on his shoulder as I wanted him to shut up, I planned on playing what I did off so I easily get away with it. I don't know why I threw the pillow I just did it. I knew I could have thrown it in the trash but I felt as though it would be better on another couch...or maybe my seventeen mind was just being childish real childish.

Cube looked and began to glare, he was upset but I didn't care. "Sorry love." I did however apologize as I saw him begin to go straight into the bathroom, the boys began to laugh as easily as there in the kitchen behind the counter when seeing the interaction, Dre laughed as he found it funny that he the girl only felt victim to my little scheme.

"Awww you upset your little boyfriend." Said a drunk ren as he was still laughing about the whole thing beside. It was then that I heard the bathroom door slam giving me the clear tension that he was infact upset about it

"He'll get over."

"But I won't." The girl who fell victim to the situation said as she overheard me, she was angry just like him as she stood there looking like she wanted to fight me. "Woah woah now. You need to chill don't be coming over here disrespecting her like that." Ren came to my defense as he still made jokes about her situation. He thought it was hilarious even when the girl and Cube took offense.

"Well, she disrespected me first with that damn pillow." The girl defended herself as she made her point. But regardless I didn't care, I didn't see what I liked and I put her right in her place.

"Deal with it or get the fuck out bitch." I pointed to the door as I didn't care for my disrespectful acts, I wanted to humble her, and I was doing just that. The boys lived up to it as they all became instinctively to the issue.

"Aye aye come the girls 17, your a gown ass woman." Ren let out making me snap my eyes to him, with learning that information the girl who was head to head with me chuckle with delight. It seemed that the slip-up Ren made became a weapon that she used in our argument.

"Where the fuck is parents at? Your a whole kid doing some childish ass shit."

"And you an old ugly hoe hitting on fucking children because you can't get a real man."

"Ooooh." All the boys echoed through the room as they laughed at our little back and forth. "At least I get what I want you still got a ducking schoolhouse to worry about baby girl."

"And still got a graveyard to take care of bitch. HIV and herpes I can see it coming at your top lip." a signal to her lips as I notice that she got closer than me.

"You must have never had an ass shopping in your life." The girl eyed me up and down as she now threw a threat at me.

"No, but I'm sure you have some experience with your pimp," I replied making Ren start crying from the eyes with laughter, the boy held his stomach in pain at my last comment as he couldn't control himself

"Alright alright. That's enough get the fuck." Said eazy as he noticed that girl was getting closer to me, he came around the couch and he pushed the girl away for me and straight to the entry door. The girl began yelling at him as she started cursing me out.

"I should kill you bitch!" She threatened me again as she was thrown out to the door, easy slammed the door in her face as he locked it on her.

"She won't do shit." Ren returned me as he got me back sitting down. "We got you." He then said as he let out his last chuckle, but slowly I couldn't find myself laughing at it anymore.

I kinda felt disappointed with my actions, usually, I wouldn't do anything like that, not to another woman at least.

Eazy saw the expression on my face as he passed by to go in the kitchen, he gave me a small smile as he nodded his head, I thanked him mouthing the words, and smiling back.

He was sweet

    ❛. 𝑱𝑼𝑺𝑻 𝑨 𝑭𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑵𝑫  ⸻ ɴᴡᴀ . ❜ Where stories live. Discover now