Boys will be boys

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Things got mad awkward and it was affecting a lot of things, everytime Dre saw me he would always become quiet, when I was around cube all he would do was make himself busy so he wouldn't give me his full attention time and time. It was like they were both ignoring me from their on awkward moments.

Dre was ignoring me out of spite of seeing me and cube together and cube was ignoring me to not get distracted on the things he had to do and those things were performances after performances every stop of the way we went to, their were no breaks for the boys or hell anybody for that matter.

It was very awkward working around and being a little assistant but I had to, Jerry said if I didn't want to be bored I could always follow and play the part that he gave me. I didn't mind being a little assistant, hell if I couldn't be in a room with Dre or cube without things being weird I sure could do it with eazy.

I massaged through eazy's hair as he took a sip of his ice drink, he was being really petty with his request but I didn't mind prepping him for a show. "So how many sets are their?" I asked the stage manager as he was by the dressing room door talking to me and eazy as we were in the room with the rest of the boys.

"Well LLcoolj is on but we have more next, their opening acts for you guys so we save the best for last." The room explained as she had a earpiece to her ear all smiling.

"Why do the opening acts get more time then us?" Ren asked as he wasn't having it, the boy had been aggravated the whole day. "They don't if you actually estimate the time, they get 2 hours of the show beginning and you get every hour of what you want." The manager said as she reminded them. The rest beside ren nodded their heads.

"I think it's fair." Shrugged yella as he really didn't give any fuck regardless, they had been working hard so far, he probably figured they needed less of a break, to be honest.

"It better be." Ren agreed taking a swing out of his drink in his hands, my guest that he was stress, or maybe slightly overworked like the rest. It was clear that the partying and the drinking was dying down on them, everyone except cube and eazy who barely did any of it.

"Alright so, I'll call in some refreshments maybe some water if you guys want it, and I'll see what we can do with what problems." The pretty white lady said as she slowly disappeared from the door, the boys barely gave her the time of day.

My focus went back on eazy as he let out a sigh, he was clearly almost falling asleep with me massaging his hair, I leaned down to his ear to catch his attention, "Eric, wake up." I whispered just softly.

I could feel the boy just shiver when I did cause once I whispered in his ear he instantly opened his eyes. He sat up slightly in his seat.

"Aww look at eazy getting a little boner from Maxine touching his hair." Joked ren as his drunken eyes pointed right near our direction. "Nigga shut the fuck up." Eazy glared at him through the mirror.

Ren laughed in response laying his back facely on the black couch, "I'm telling y'all are going to end up fucking Maxine and it ain't going to be me."

"You definitely right, it won't be you." I pleasantly stated making cube beside him chuckle, cube took his hat that ren had stolen off his head.

"Okay if not me than if you had choose who would it be?" He asked and this question was quiet appealing because once he mentioned it, Dre's little ears pricked up.

"Come on man you doing too much." Said cube giving him a warning, "what? It wouldn't you be either I know for damn sure." He ren chuckled playing with him.

"Ren." I warned giving him a look. When I gave him a look he quickly stopped sitting back and looking up to the celling, "You need to stop drinking." Eazy whispered.

Staring at the ceiling, he stopped for a moment before bringing the same topic back up. "Okay who you marry, fuck or kill?" His drunk ass wouldn't let this go.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "I thought we were done talking about this," I say. "I'm curious." He replied.

"Do you really need to know who I'd marry, fuck or kill?" I asked and he nodded, "I'm curious too," His little side kick yella replied as his eyes shined on me like a puppy.

"Fine..." The silence ranged throughout the room. I thought a moment of course planning on lie about what was about to come out. "I'd married Eazy, not going lie, I'd fuck yella and I'd kill you ren," I smiled as it came out slightly a lie, but it was truths and one lie.

Eazy looked up to me when I said that, "You'd married me?" He questioned crossing his mind at the thought, before I could give him a reponse the terror in yella roared in disgust. "I'd rather fuck a deer. Ewww." Yella covered his mouth.

"I was sure at first she was going to say Dre, but I think max would even fuck a deer before you," ren laughed at that as he put him in the mix.

Dre had a visible reaction to the joke, he shook his head and glared at the person who said it before quickly getting up and leaving the room. His departure was met with mocking from Ren, who made exaggerated noises of disappointment as Dre left.

"Awww Dre come back, it was a joke, it's not so serious." Crackled ren. Things became awkward.

Even so as I knew that Dre was mad but why would be mad? Why would he even care.

Authors note

Writers block

    ❛. 𝑱𝑼𝑺𝑻 𝑨 𝑭𝑹𝑰𝑬𝑵𝑫  ⸻ ɴᴡᴀ . ❜ Where stories live. Discover now