Arriving at New York

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I couldn't believe that I was going on a road trip. I really had a bad feeling about it already. The plane was lowering itself towards the ground. We were only a few minutes before arriving at the airport. My name is Charlotte Wouters, and I am 12. I have red hair and blue eyes. I wish I could talk to you or to anybody that I might know. Though I can't do that. I have autism. I am also nonverbal. This means that I can't talk to anybody else using my voice. I use a special iPad that allows me to talk with other people. The only other person I know very well on this flight is my oldest sister Abigail. She dyed her hair blond. She does have the same eye color as me though. She is sitting in the seat in front of me and is twenty years old. The person sitting next to me is Carol. We had been friends since first grade. Unlike me, she was excited to go on a road trip through the United States.

She has a braided pony tail with her blond hair. She has green eyes. "Come on Charlotte. This trip is going to be a blast. I get to learn something new about the country that is south of Canada. Just think of the battle sites were going to visit." She told me. "You mean the Agricultural Civil War battle sites?" Abigail asked as she stood up from her seat and looked at the both of us. "Yes. Just what was the Agricultural Civil War about and who fought in it?" Carol queried. "Please, fasten your seat belts. We are going to be landing shortly." The voice from the plane said electronically. The seatbelt sign just turned on. Abigail sat back into her seat. Carol put her seat belt on. I remembered the time before I went on this flight. It was near the end of the school year. I argued with Mom that I should stay home with Dad. She told me that he will be busy with working with the work crews throughout the city. I would be home alone. I had a bit of temper tantrum at home. I refused to think that I was going to be going on a road trip through out the US. Then I remembered that my Mom shouted and screamed at me. That is the first time I have seen her yell at me for a while. For a short while, I had overheard my Mom ask my older sister to accompany me to the airport. Though that was before she had asked a friend of mine from school to come along for the road trip on the phone. Her parents were glad to let her come with us. During the flight, I had learned that she didn't get to go on road trips like this one. She usually gets to go camping. I had been on a few road trips in the past. We went only once for one winter. Most of the road trips were done so that we can visit relatives. It would usually be evening by the time I get to see them in Quebec. Though I had heard that we are going on a road trip this summer instead like those other times. We had boarded the flight during late Saturday evening. I didn't like being on a plane. Then again, this was the first time that I had been on a plane in my life. I am used to the things that I am normally used to. Like going to see the relatives at Quebec. It usually took three days to reach the place that they live at. "I think that we may have to learn a little about the Agricultural Civil War from our history class next year." Carol told me. "If we learn a little bit about the war then we might be able to ace our class."

I turned to look at her. I only smiled. I felt a little better now knowing that my family and friend were by my side as the plane I was on was about to land on the runway. The tires made a thump on the pavement. I looked out of the window. The city of New York is a big place. A lot bigger than the city that I am from. The plane applied the brakes on the landing gear. I could feel myself being jerked forward a little. I did had a nap on the plane itself. I could feel the plane moving as it was going to park next to the airport building. "I wonder what's next." Carol said encouragingly. I am already nervous about what was going to happen next. After we all got off of the plane. My sister did the work of showing off her passport and the health cards that Carol and I had. We all went through airport security. It was all good. Then we went downstairs and picked up our luggage. My mom was waiting for us. Just as I was about to pick up my bag. Something caught my eye that made me nervous. It was a maroon luggage bag that looked like it would have belonged to an athlete. The gym bag was next to my bag. As I went to pick it up. I noticed that the bag opened. Though I thought the zipper would have kept it closed. The bag was opened and there was a pair of eyes that were looking at me. These eyes were crimson red. I quickly picked up my bag. The creature in the bag snarled. Even the action of me picking up my bag did get noticed by Carol and Abigail. "Are you alright?" Carol asked. I pointed at the gym luggage bag. They both turned their heads to look at it. "Come on. Stop overreacting." Abigail said as she looked at me. "But I'm not overreacting." I told myself in my mind. "Don't worry about it Carol. It's just that she is not used to going into airports and places like that. She'll love the trip before you'll know it." Abigail conveyed encouragingly. The zipper on the gym bag was sealed shut. We all joined Mom. "How was the flight?" She questioned Abigail. "It went fine. Charlotte was quiet while on the flight." Abigail answered. "Wonderful. Now we're going to stay at a hotel at this city for the night." She announced to the group. "Do you know what the hotel is going to be Mrs. Wouters?" Carol asked. "It's going to be a fancy hotel." She responded.

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