Museum of the crops

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We were on the road for two days. For the first day, our road trip went through the western side of the state of Nebraska. We stop to spend the night at a town called Sidney. We stayed at a Hampton Inn. We ate breakfast at the breakfast bar first thing in the morning. "We are going to a town called Green River. There's a museum there that's going to help us learn about the town we are going to be staying at next." Mom announced. "I wonder what kind of museum would that be." My iPad voice's spoke as it read the message I had typed out. "Well, one thing is for sure. After our visit at that museum, we are going to be on the road for a few more days. Then we are going to be seeing an attraction in Pocatello." Abigail added. "So, after we go to see the attraction in the town of Green River, we are ready for what's to come next at the town of Pocatello?" Carol asked. "Yes." Mom replied.

"Then something at the town of Green River must be important that we have to figure out how it could be related to the attraction at Pocatello." I uttered with the help of my iPad. After our breakfast, we cleaned ourselves up and we were on the road again. It was a long road trip. We left the state of Nebraska and entered the state of Wyoming. We had passed a few fields that was producing grain. "I think I know what we could be seeing at Pocatello Charlotte." Carol told me as the car rolled down the highway. I turned to look at her. "What could we be seeing in Pocatello?" I pumped. "Remember how we went to see the cherriple orchard?" My friend queried. With the cherriple monster, it's hard to forget that moment. "Yes." My iPad's voice responded. "Well, I think that we are going to be seeing the wheatrain crops. That was the other kind of plant that was being fought over during the Agricultural Civil War." Carol conveyed me. I think that she may be onto something. The car trip ended for the day when we stopped at the town of Green River. We stayed at a Super Eight for the night. The car trip felt a bit exhausting for me. I felt happier when I was going to sleep. The next day, we all gathered for breakfast at the hotel's breakfast bar. I had some fruit loops cereal with some apple juice. My family and friend had something different for breakfast. I didn't remember what those items were. "So we are here." Carol began. "What do you mean?" Abigail asked her. "We are here at the town of Green River. Mrs. Wouters, can you please tell us what we are going to be seeing here today? You did say that we are going to be seeing something in this town that will help us to get ready for the town of Pocatello." My friend grilled. "I did say that when we were in Sidney. We are going to be visiting to a crop museum. The Wyoming Crop Collection Museum to be exact." Mom announced.

I couldn't understand how there would be a museum that is dedicated to crops. "Are crops plants that you would grow at a farm and harvest them for food?" I questioned with the help of my iPad. "You're right about that." Abigail answered. "Well, I think that we are going to be seeing some wheatrain in Pocatello right?" Carol pumped. "I think you just spoilt the surprise Carol." Mom commented. "It does make sense though. We have visited a farm that was harvesting cherriple fruits. That is one of the plants that people had a fight over during the Civil War." My friend explained. "Yes, you are right about that. Though we know that fight started because of rumors started by the man Daniil Sakai." I replied. "Well, I wonder if we get to see the wheatrain plant in the museum?" Carol pondered. "First, let's eat our breakfast, then we can see the museum in the afternoon." Abigail said as she thought we were becoming excited for what we were about to see. "Well, what are we going to be doing in the morning then?" I wondered with the help of my Ipad. "Why don't we go to the pool? We haven't been in one for a while." Mom told everybody. "I think the only time I remembered getting into a pool Mrs. Wouters was the fancy hotel we stayed at the start of our big road trip. I do like the idea. Besides, it's better then being outside in the hot sun." Carol commented. "We didn't have to worry about the sun while we were in the domed areas." I declared. "That's true. The domed areas are meant to preserve the areas that the USNHSC thinks are important in historical value. I did like the time and effort the people put into making those domed areas." Abigail insisted. "The grass that is inside the domed areas is pretty good." My iPad spoke for me. "That's because the people that are responsible for the area have to make sure that the place is well maintained and that the buildings are in good condition. That way they can show the people what the buildings or thing in the domed area looked like during the time they were used." Abigial explained. After we had talked in the breakfast bar, we returned to our room. I got myself in my bathing suit first. I enjoyed my time swimming away at the pool. It felt good with the cold water touching me. It felt like a nice change in the road trip. Though I wasn't sure how many other times I was going to enjoy a swim at a hotel pool.

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