Showdown at Lost Corral

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After a long road trip, we arrived at Owasso. The town seemed to be busy near the night. I guess it's because that people are going shopping after work or doing other chores before they go to bed. The hotel we stayed at for the night is a Super Eight hotel. While I was getting ready for bed, I wondered what would happen tomorrow. I know that this trip has been scary with all of the ghosts and the monsters that showed up. I don't think anybody is going to believe our story. The next morning, we got up, and were ready to take on the day. A fast food restaurant next door was serving breakfast menu items in the morning. I can't remember what the name of the restaurant was. The breakfast was really good. It was a bacon egg sandwich with a fruit salad on the side. The place we were visiting today was called "Lost Corral". "This place was ghost town from the old west until 1984. They had turned it into a park. Now everybody could see inside the buildings, and what life was like for the people back in those days." Mom explained. "I sure hope I get to dress up as a cowgirl." Abigail exclaimed.

"I can't wait till we get there. I would like to see some of the preserved items that they had from the old west." Carol answered. I was wondering in my mind. My iPad was on my lap. I was trying to think of something to type up. My mind is always thinking about the Agricultural Civil War that the country had. Then I started to type something on my device. "Did the old west, and the civil war happen at the same time?" The voice from my iPad asked for me. "Yes. Why would you ask that Charlotte?" Mom interrogated me. "Oh no. We had too many scares from different tourist locations with civil war history. It's time we think about different history of the United states of America." Abigial interrupted. "It might be possible..." My iPad spoke for me. Then I didn't know what to say. "If there is a tourist site that had nothing to do with the Agricultural Civil War, then it's possible that we won't even see a ghost or monster relating to that time in history. Besides, the spot had no history of being haunted." Mom rebuked. "I agree. It's time that we took a break from the Agricultural Civil War and think about another piece of American history. I can't wait to see how the cowboys lived in the Wild West." Carol said with excitement. The car reached the area in no time. There were some people who were already parked in the parking lot. The car I was riding in was the eighth one to arrive. I saw a small group of people entering the visitor's center. I got out of the car to take in the fresh air. Some light gray clouds were overhead. I walked along with my family to the visitor's center. I remembered that the area had a dome just like every other tourist attraction that we have been to so far. The dome became more visible once you get close to it. It almost look like you were looking at glass. You can see your reflection on the outside of the dome. Mom paid for admission at the visitor's center. I looked around myself. I saw an image with some details on a small sign.

"Abigail, can Carol and I look at that picture?" I asked with the help of my iPad. Once Mom finished paying, she turned to look at me, then at Abigial. She nodded her head. Carol and I walked up to the picture. She looked at the sign. The picture had a few people on it. There was also a few horses on it. The sign said that these were cowboys taking care of their horses. There was a big sign on the right side of the picture. The sign said that since people began to move here when the people started to move into the east. Though it was tough trying to set up a few towns in the west. There was a few wild animal attacks, and there wasn't too many opportunities to make money in that region of the United States. Ten years after the west of the country was settled, the wheatrain crop was introduced. People can make a living selling wheatrain. It could make bread more quickly than the normal wheat plant could. Some of the ghost towns made a living by selling what they could dig up in the local mine. The people had trouble planting the wheatrain at first because some of the land was arid and not fertile. One of the aboriginal tribes that lived next to group of settlers invented a way to make the land fertile. They had used some compost available at the time to nourish the soil so that it could be useful for growing wheatrain crops. In return for this great discovery, the settlers shared the products that they had made with their wheatrain crops and even taught the aboriginal tribe on how to use the crop to create the wheat products. The wheatrain crop even became a symbol of prosperity for the west. The Wild West period lasted from 1621 to 1905. The treaties with the aboriginal tribes and sharing some wealth with them became a part of business for both sides of the United States at the time. "Alright, who's ready for a good time at "Lost Corral"? Mom asked. I turned my attention away from the writing on the wall to look at her. "We are!" Carol said nearly shouting. I typed up my answer on my iPad. "Yes. I'm excited too." The voice from my iPad spoke for me. I began to think about what I could expect from this trip. Abigail was the first one to the door to the inside of the domed area. Mom had been second to reach the door. Carol and I hurried to reach them. We both went inside. The weather seemed to be normal when we both got inside. The weather outside didn't seem to be bothering us. Even if it had rained, the rained would just trickle down the dome. I took a few steps on the arid earth.

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