Harper's strange reputation

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"Everybody, I have some bad news. We won't be able to get to the battle site today. There's some construction being done on that road." Mom announced. "So, we take a detour?" Abigail asked. "Yes. We are going to be spending the night at Harper. That's a town along that stretch of road." Mom continued. "Harper, why have I heard of that name before?" Carol queried. I didn't talk as I listened for anymore news. "Harper has been known for haunted activities. Such as moving cars up and down streets. Screams of angry people could be heard from the streets. Or even objects found floating in mid air in some businesses. Most of the townspeople don't know why this happens." Abigail explained. "Well, At least we know which place is haunted this time." Mom stated. "What or who is making the town of Harper so haunted?" My iPad pumped Mom. "Nobody knows. Some say it could be the ghost of somebody who died in an accident. Some people say it's the ghost of a person who is angry that his house has been taken over by people living in this time." Mom answered.

As I began to think, it seemed to me that whoever was making the town of Harper haunted was because it might be angry. Though I can't be so sure. We all finished our breakfast. Then we all went back to the room and got ready for the next part of the road trip. The suitcases and the rest of the luggage was put into the car's trunk. Abigail drove towards the town. Carol and I looked out of the windows. There were a few cars on the road. The trucks and the cars either went around us or just went in the other direction. Just then, we happen to see that there was a patch of forest up ahead. Carol and I looked out of our windows to see if we can spot some animals from where we were sitting in the car. The vehicle didn't have any mechanical difficulties when we were driving down the road. The car made a stop at a few gas stations along the way. When it was nearly supper, we arrived at the town of Harper. As we got closer to the town, I noticed that the town sign was a lot different then any town sign that I have seen before. This town sign was big, and there was some cartoon ghosts that were decorated all around the sign. "That sign would tell anyone that this place must be very haunted." I said to everybody in the car using my iPad. "I guess they use their reputation as a haunted town to attract tourists. Especially the ones that are interested in ghosts." Abigail spoke while driving. She turned off at a nearby diner. It was called "The Spooky Diner". As I stepped out of the car, something strange happened. One of the cars started to move by itself. It backed out from where it was parked at the diner. The next few seconds that happened was that the car had moved and parked by the side of the highway in town. I couldn't understand it. "That's spooky." Carol stated. "Very much so. The people who come here are paranormal investigators. They must be trying to figure out what made Harper so haunted to begin with." Abigail elucidated.

My big sister had the emergency brake and the parking brake on. I was hoping that the car wouldn't roll away on us. When we got inside the diner. We told somebody working at the diner what happened. The owner of the car went outside. As we sat down, the waiter that was taking our orders for drinks warned us about how this town is haunted. The waiter told us one story about how he heard people screaming angrily during the night. I couldn't understand why somebody would want to do that. We had our supper at the diner. The only strange things that happened was that my fork and knife only floated a foot away from my plate in the air. I grabbed both utensils as I ate through my meal. As I finished my meal, the dirty plate in front of me started to float in the air. In a while, the plate was floating a foot above the table with utensils. "This is very strange." The voice from my iPad stated for me. I then looked at the blank screen of the device, hoping that the whoever was haunting this building would tell me what they want. I typed a message on my iPad. "Whoever you are, please, tell me what's bothering you?" The message demanded on my device. After three seconds, I noticed my message was getting erased from the screen. A word appeared on the screen. It was "Justice". I was a bit puzzled about the message. I showed the word to my family and friend. Mom didn't believe me. She did the same thing as I did with my iPad. She typed in a question on my device. Then she got a reply on the iPad. The word "Justice" appeared on the screen just like before. "Now what could this mean?" Abigail asked. Carol was stumped as my big sister was. "I don't think we have time to figure that out. We are only here for one night. Then we are off to Emporia." Mom reminded us. "Do you know which hotel were staying at?" Abigail grilled.

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