Human Quaritch x Scientist Reader Part 1

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I couldn't believe what had happened. How could out of everyone on base, I was the one to have the worse luck.

"I'm going to kill myself." I groaned as I hit my head on the table.

"Probably would be the best thing to do. I mean I would kill myself too, if my crush overheard me talking about jumping their bones."

"You're not helping (best friend)!" I yelled as I turned to look at them.

"Not really trying too." They said as they shrugged their shoulders.

"You're an asshole."

"I know I am, babe." They said as they sent me a wink.

"I can never look him in the eyes again."

"Hey I bet he wants to screw you as much as you want to screw him. I mean look at you, you're a catch."

"You're my best friend, you are required by law to tell me I'm hot."

"Don't look now, but Colonel big dick is on his way over here." (Best friend) mumbled under their breath.

I quickly turned around and sure enough he was walking over to us, a frown on his face.

"Doctor (L/n), my office now." He ordered as he glared down at me.

"Yes sir." I said as I jumped up.

My heart started to pound in my chest as I followed Quaritch to his office.

"Sir, I am so sorry about what you heard-"

"Sit down!" He snapped as he walked over to his desk.

I nodded my head and quickly set in the chair across from his desk. I stared down at my hands, fear coursing through my body.

"Now, Doctor it is extremely inappropriate to talk about one's superior office in the way you talked about me." He said angrily.

"I'm sorry, sir. I promise it won't happen again." I said as I quickly looked up at him.

"See that it doesn't. If I catch you again, then you will have a ticket on a shuttle back to earth. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir."


I nodded my head and jumped up out of the chair. I rushed out of the room, tears threatening to stream down my face.

Time skip

I had did my best to ignore the Colonel, but it was as if he was everywhere I went. I had found myself bumping into him almost once a day.

"Sorry, sir!" I yelped out as I rushed past him.

It was starting to drive me crazy, fear of accidentally slipping up and saying something to piss him off.

"Alright, let's get a move on!" Grace ordered as she clapped her hands.

We were going out to take samples, her and a bunch of us scientists and of course the Colonel.

We made it to the Samson and I took my seat next to Grace.

"We land in ten!" The Colonel yelled as he walked over to Grace.

"Ready to have some fun!" (Best friend) yelled out to me.

"I'm ready to watch you trip over a tree branch again!" I called back to them.

"I'm ready to see you fall of a cliff!"

"Ah, only if you're falling with me!" I yelled back with a laugh.

The Samson landed and we all hurried off. I picked up my gear and got to work on taking samples of every flower and plant, I saw.

"No one move." Grace said causing me to freeze up.

"What is that?" (Best friend) whispered.

"That is a hammerhead titanothere. Colonel do not shoot it. You will just piss it off. The armor is to hard for you to break through." Grace ordered.

I slowly raised my head and saw that it was an inch away from my face.

"(Y/n), do not move and do not run." Grace whispered.

"What do I do?" I asked in fear.

"Make yourself look bigger."

"How?" I asked as I felt my heart start to pound in my chest.

"I.... I really don't know."

"That's it I'm shooting it-"

"You will get (Y/n) killed if you do!" Grace hissed cutting Quaritch off.

Quaritch let out a groan and lowered his gun.

"Slowly walk to us." Grace ordered.

I nodded my head and took a step back. As I was walking I heard a snap and looked down to see a twig had broke. The hammerhead titanothere quickly raise its head and went to charge at me.

"No!" A voice yelled as I felt someone knock me out of the way.

Arms engulfed around me as I found myself rolling down a hill. I found myself landing on a hard chest, arms wrapping tightly around me. I let out a groan and raised my head up to see that Quaritch had been the one to save me.

"You okay?" He grumbled as I set up.

"You're bleeding." I whispered as I saw blood fall from the side of his face.

"Just a scratch, you okay?" He asked as he set up.

I nodded my head and he helped me to my feet.

"You guy alive! Don't tell me you pulled a Romeo and Juliet on me!" (Best friend) yelled down to us.

"We are still alive you dumb ass!" I yelled back.

"You really need better friends." Quaritch grumbled as he held his head.

"Oh god, your mask broke." I said as I placed my hand over the small crack.

He looked to the side and let out a groan.

"I'll be damned, it did." He said as his rolled back.

I quickly caught him before yelling for someone to help.

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