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Child Abuse

Like always I had woken up from a dream about a woman, a blue woman with a tail and a long braid in her hair. Beside her stood a man who had braids in his hair and was blue as well. They were always reaching out to me and calling my name, calling me home.

But my father hated it, he hated when I spoke of my dreams, said they meant nothing and were just fairytales.

"Enough!" My father yelled as he threw me on the ground.

Tears streamed down my face as I curled up into a ball.

"You do not see things! They are not there!" He yelled angrily.

"Okay!" I cried out as I held my side.

"They are not there, (Y/n)!"

"I'm sorry!"

"And your dreams..... they are just dreams!"

I nodded my head and he grabbed a hold of my chin.

"Do you understand me!"


He threw me to the ground and stood up.

"Now go to your room!"

I scrambled to my feet and rushed out of the room, blood dripping down my face. Tears streamed down my face as I whipped the blood away and stared at myself in the mirror.

"They are just dreams." I whispered.


I smiled as I thought back to that night. My father had beat it into me that my dreams meant nothing. That there was no Na'vi and that I was crazy.

But here I was among the Na'vi learning there ways and traditions.

I couldn't help but to want to see my father one more time, just so I could say I told you so.

"What are you thinking about?" A voice asked from behind me.

I turned around and smiled as I saw my childhood friend and mate, Jake Sully.

"About how my father was wrong." I said as he wrapped an arm around me.

"About what?"

"My dreams.... They were real." I whispered as he kissed my forehead.

Neytiri walked over to us and I reached for her. She took my hand and I pulled her down, causing her to fall in my laugh. She smiled up at me and pecked my lips as I hugged her.

Jake let out a chuckle as he nuzzled his nose into my neck, causing me to laugh. I quickly turned around and he used this opportunity to capture my lips with his. I let out a whine and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss.

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