Tsu'tey x Navi Reader

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I let out a whine as I broke yet another bow. I was turning out to be a horrible hunter.

"I'm totally useless." I said with a groan.

I heard a chuckle behind me and turned to see my best friend walk up to me, a smirk on his face.

"You're not totally useless, (Y/n)." Tsu'tey said calmly.

I smiled softly and looked up at him. He crouched down and flicked my forehead.

"You can be used as a bad example." He said with a chuckle.

My ears fell and I shot him a glare.

"You're a horrible friend."

"You know you love me." He said as he took the broken bow from me.

I let out a huff and turned away from him. He let out another chuckle and walked up to me, placing his hands on my waist.

"Come now, don't be like that." He whispered in Na'vi.

I looked away from him and he hugged me.

"Ma (Y/n), Ma sweet (Y/n). Give me a smile." He said as he turned me around.

I tried to ignore him, but he cuffed my cheeks and forced me to meet his eyes. I let out a purr as he smiled down at me. A small smile appeared on my face as he toyed with my necklace.

"Moron." I mumbled as I looked away from him.

He let out a laugh and pulled away from me.

"Come on, let me teach you how to not destroy a bow." He said as he walked over to another bow.

I shook my head and followed behind him, smiling as he instructed me on how to hold the bow.

Though we were only friends in his eyes, I saw Tsu'tey as my one true mate and the one who held my heart. But I knew I could never be his, because he was already claimed.

Neytiri, my friend and sister was his chosen one. She was the one father had chosen to be with Tsu'tey.

Where as I had been free to pick whoever I wished as my mate, mostly because I had no chance of taking mother's position, mostly because Neytiri was the favorite and oldest.

"Where are your thoughts?" Tsu'tey asked as he placed a hand on my waist.

"It's nothing."

"(Y/n)." He said as he pulled away from me.

He shot me a look and I let out a huff.

"I'm fine, really."

He crossed his arms over his chest and I let out a groan.

"The man I love, loves another." I explained as I looked away from him.

"Then he is a fool. You would be a wonderful mate, any man would be thrilled to claim you." Tsu'tey said as he stared down at me.

"Yea well, he doesn't want me... he... he is in love with Neytiri."

"I see, I am sorry. You deserve better." He said with a frown.

I nodded my head and cleared my throat.

"I should go, I'll speak to you later." I said as I turned and walked away from him.

When word reached me and I learned that Neytiri had mated with JakeSully I felt joy course thru me, until I realized how hurt Tsu'tey probably was.

I quickly made my way to our secret spot and saw him skipping rocks.

"Tsu'tey?" I whispered as I walked up to him.

"(Y/n), what are you doing out so late?" He asked with a frown.

"I came to check on you."

"I should be the one checking on you." He said as he turned to fully look at me.

I raised an eyebrow and he crossed his arms over his chest.

"JakeSully has chosen your sister, I know you love him."

A laugh broke from my lips and I was forced to cover my lips.

"Oh you idiot." I whispered as I shook my head.

He looked at me confused and I walked up to him, a gentle smile on my face.

"I was talking about you, Tsu'tey. I am in love with you." I said softly.

Instantly his face light up and in a matter of seconds he had picked me up and spun me around, a giant grin on his face.

After a couple seconds he set me back down and captured my lips with his, the smile never leaving his face.

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