Ronal x Na'vi Reader

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Character death

I ran as fast as I could, silently hoping to make it in time to see Ronal, before she had left her home.

"Ronal!" I yelled waving to her.

"Ma (Y/n), you are late." She said as I rushed up to her.

"Sorry, my love. I over slept." I said taking the basket from her.

She shook her head and continued to walk through the village. I smiled as I watched her treat the villagers. Ronal had always been so loving, even if she was stern.

She loves her people and that is something I love dearly about her.

"You are staring, my love."

"It is because you are the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on" I said as I took her hands in mine and kissed them.

She smiled soflty up at me before turning and walking away. I quickly followed behind her, a giant grin on my face.

"(Y/n)!" A voice called drawing my attention away from Ronal.

"Brother!" I called waving to Tonowari.

He rushed up to me, spear in hand.

"Come we must hunt." He said with a grin.

I turned to Ronal and pecked her cheek before running off with my brother. We decided to go outside the reef, wanting to catch bigger prey.

What we didn't know was that a Akula was waiting for us. I laughed as I raced Tonowari towards our fishing spot.

"Come brother! You are to slow!" I called out to him.

"Is that any way to speak to the future Olo'eyktan!" He yelled back.

I let out another laugh and dove under the water. As I went under something slammed into my side and I felt the air get knocked out of my lungs.

I heard Tonowari yell my name but it was to late, I had been slammed into a rock. I let out a groan as I felt pain course thru me. When Tonowari made it to my side I could see the water was red. He grabbed a hold of my hand and dragged me to the surface.

"Stay with me!" He yelled as he dragged me towards a rock.

He laid me down as the waves crushed against the rock. When he moved his hand away from the side of my face I saw that there was blood coating his hand.

"Ronal.... Is going to be pissed." I said with a light laugh.

Tonowari had tears in his eyes as he called for his Skimwing.

"She... always told me to be careful." I whispered with a small smile.

I felt my eyes droop and then everything went dark

Third person POV

Tonowari's heart was shattered, as he carried (Y/n)'s lifeless body back home a thousand thoughts went through his head.

The biggest one was that it should have been him. He should have went a head of (Y/n).

As he arrived back at the village, he gently carried (Y/n) onto the shore.

"Tonowari what happen!" His father yelled as he rushed up to them.

Tonowari simply shook his head, tears streaming down his face. His mother rushed up to them, tears streaming down her face.

She let out a scream as she cradled her child's lifeless body.

There was a sound of running and then Tonowari turned to see Ronal run towards them.

Ronal who normally showed no emotions stood frozen in place. She slowly walked towards them as Tonowari's mother laid (Y/n) down. Ronal was shaking as she fell to her feet.

"Ma (y/n).... My love.... No!" She screamed as she touched (Y/n)'s face.

She let out a heart wrenching scream that was heard all throughout the village as she held her lover's lifeless body.

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