Avatar Jake x Na'vi Reader x Neytiri

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I let out a whine as I laid my head down on the table. Jake and Neytiri was suppose to be home already and yet they still hadn't arrived.

"Are you paying attention, (Y/n)?" Norm asked with a sigh.

"Not really.... When will they be home?" I whined as my ears fell back.

"They will be back in a couple days. You know they are visiting another clan." He said with a groan.

"But I miss them!" I whined as I laid my head back on the table.

I had wanted to go with them but they had forced me to stay home, due to having injured my leg a couple days earlier.

"What is with you Na'vi and being so clingy?"

I hissed at him and he held his hands up in surrender.

"Okay, my bad." He mumbled as he turned and walked away from me.

I rolled my eyes and laid my head back down. I toyed with a small figure on the table and moved my head side to side.

I heard the door slide open and figured Norm had returned. I let out a growl and crossed my arms on the table.

"What's wrong, kitten?" A gentle voice asked playfully.

My ears perked up and I quickly turned around and saw my mates smiling at me. I jumped up and tackled them I'm a hug. Jake let out a laugh as I kissed both him and Neytiri. I pressed kisses all over their faces, my tail wagging back and forth.

"Okay! We missed you too!" Jake exclaimed as he cuffed my cheeks.

I pulled away from him and he smiled up at me. Neytiri set up and I turned to look at her. I grabbed a hold of her face and pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss, which she reciprocated.

When I pulled away from her I get Jake sit up. He quickly cuffed my cheeks again and captured my lips in kiss. I let out a hum as I felt my tail hit the ground.

I felt a sharp pull and turned to glare at Neytiri, who only laughed at me.

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