✰ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲: 𝐚 𝐭𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐞𝐮𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞

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GALINA STOLE a quinjet.

A whole jet.

She also hacked into the systems on the jet to make sure no one tries to track it or her when they notice the absence.

Honestly, it was the smartest move — trying to hop on a flight would be moronic behavior.

After finding his location the night before, she immediately started to pack — Aspen helping her with the packing as well.

They made a swear that he wouldn't snitch ( though that was never in doubt ) and that he'd promise to cover for her in hopes of her keeping in contact with him in return.

So, here she is, walking down the European street on a Wednesday afternoon.

She decided to pack dark colored clothes and a shit ton of caps and sunglasses — most of the clothing pieces were baggy to hide her identity further but that wasn't an issue since she's been wearing baggy clothes for over a year now...wanting to hide her body in general.

The cool air whipped through the exposed parts of her low ponytail as she adjust the strap of her medium messenger bag upon her shoulder.

She unsheathes her burner phone from her hoodie pocket, that burner phone being a brick of a Nokia device, to check her notes app for the correct address for the market.

From there, she can follow the surveillance footage from last night to try and search for Bucky's apartment.

She wasn't sure if this was a stupid idea or not I mean, wouldn't it be better to see your childhood best-friend's face and not the face of someone who was there at the height of ur trauma?

The smell of fresh fruits and meats wafted into her nose the second she walked into the marketplace.

It was cute, quaint.

Many vendors called out to shopping citizens to try and get them to buy their stuff. It was full of life.

Galina can see why he'd settle in this area, it most likely gave him a sense of normalcy watching normal people do normal things.

To seem less conspicuous, she took a step towards one of the displays of fruits and pretended to poke and prod at them to see the firmness all while she let her mind roam, trying to connect it to that familiar one.

"Frumos și ferm, da?" the old woman running the  vendor rhetorically questioned with a kind smile.  [ "Nice and firm, ay?" ]

God, everyone here seems so nice — she should've run away to here years ago.

"Foarte." she replies with a soft chuckle and a nod. [ "Very." ]

"Ai vrea să cumperi câteva?" [ "Would you like to buy some?" ]

"Doar caut acum. S-ar putea totuși să revin!" she exclaimed, setting down the fruit and beginning to walk off. [ "I'm just looking for right now. I might come back, though!" ]

"Da, bine." she nodded in understanding, giving her a small wave. "Sa ai o dor buna." [ "Ah, okay. Have a good one miss." ]

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