My Birthday Gift from Simba

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I'm sorry y'all, but Simba and Nala are gonna be doin' some kinky sh*t, so...





I packed down the rest of my things, and sighed.

 "One more day, and I'm off to college." I whispered. 

I called Simba over to help me pack, seeing the majority of our necessities were at my house.

(2000 years later)

Me and Simba exhaled as we packed down our last box for our apartment. 

"Ready?" he asked. 

"Nope. Not one bit. I don't want to leave just yet." I said. 

He wrapped his arms around me, enclosing me into a hug. 

I hugged him back, tightly. 

He lifted my head up, smiling. 

"Hey, it's okay. We'll be back in 3 months." he said. 

I booped his nose in response, and he blushed.

He stood up, and pulled me along with him. 

He stared deep into my soul, and I immediately became scared. 

"W-what?" I asked. 

"You're just so beautiful..." he said dazed. 

"Come on, Casanova. We gotta go to your mom's apartment." I said, giggling. 

We walked out of my room, hand in hand. 

Mom and Dad were laying on the couch, watching something.

They noticed we were walking out the door and stopped us. 

"Hold it, Romeo and Juliet. Where are you going?" Mom asked. 

"We're just gonna go see Sarabi, Mom." I said. 

"Alright, just be back before sundown..." she said. 

"MOM! I'm about to go to college, and you're talking about curfew now?" I asked. 

"Simba, just have her back by 10:30." Dad said. 

I started squealing like a little girl, and hugged my parents. 

"Thanks!" I said. 

I ran towards Simba, and dragged him to my car.

I practically threw him in the car, and got in. 

"Wow, excited much?" he said sarcastically. 

"Of course. This is the only time other than my birthday that they let me stay up late!" I exclaimed. 

He laughed at my excitement, and kissed me to calm me down. 

I froze for a second, but joined whatever fantasy he was having.

 We finally pulled our faces apart, out of breath. 

"You haven't kissed me like that since your birthday. You're not pregnant, are you?" he asked paranoid. 

"No. Not yet, anyway." I said quietly. 

I let my fingers caress his chest, and he froze in place. "What?" I asked softly. Simba picked me up, and set me down on his lap. He wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck, breathing heavily. 

Simba x Nala In CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now