That Day...Everything Possible Went Wrong...

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(A/N: Trigger Warning: If you cannot handle, kidnapping, rape, necrophilia, bondage, abuse, etc., PLEASE, FOR YOUR SAKE AND MINE,  SKIP THIS CHAPTER. I warned you. oN With tHe sToRy...)

The flames engulfed us, as we started to panic.

"Nala, what are we gonna do?" Simba asked.

I slapped him, and told him to grab his clothes, mine, and things to throw out the window.

He grabbed our unimportant belongings, and threw them out the window.

I slipped my clothes on, and got to the floor.

I fixed my door, and handed Simba things as the room filled with smoke.

SImba started to falter, so I grabbed his arm, and pulled him to the floor.

I crawled to the door, and looked under it.

There were feet standing in front of the door.

I recognized the shoes.

"Simba, brace yourself!" I croaked.

We crawled to the window, and covered our faces.

"Ladies first..." Simba coughed.

The door burst open, revealing the flames.

We jumped out the window without warning, and hit the ground running.


We ran to Rafiki's tree, and knocked on it.

"Aha! Hello, lion lovers!" he smiled.

"Can we get up there? We're kinda running away..." Simba called.

Rafiki looked out into the distance, as if...he had seen a ghost.

We looked behind us to see dust plowing through  the air as if a car was coming.

And sure enough, there was a car.

One I knew too well.

"Go! I'll be fine!" I commanded.

Simba nodded, and ran with Rafiki.

The car came to a stop, and the door opened.

Sure enough, it was my rapist.

I put up my fists in a defensive position.

"You know I can fight, so you might wanna back off..." I snarled.

He grabbed my arm, and pulled me into his chest.

His free hand snaked its way around my lower back while his other hand gripped my arm.

"LET ME GO!" I roared.

He leaned into my neck, and began kissing it.

I moaned, seeing that he knows all the weak spots on my body that I don't even know about.

He moved up to my ear, and whispered as I gasped softly.

"Oh no, darling. You're not getting away that easily..." he said softly.

I kicked and screamed, but there wasn't anyone to hear me.

I started hyperventilating, and I honestly blacked out.

When I snapped out of it, Scar had me pinned against a tree, and he was sweet-talking me.

"Does this feel good?" he asked softly.

Simba x Nala In CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now