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He left me on the counter, bruised and mutilated.

Why didn't you do anything? You could've stopped this.

I took a deep breath, and eased myself off of the counter.

I winced as I was getting up, and I looked into the mirror.

I gasped in horror as I saw blood on my pants.

This isn't my period...

I quickly found another pair of pants, and wiped myself until the bleeding subsided.

I grabbed a pad from under the bathroom sink. The hospital is so helpful these days.

I put it on, wrapped my hoodie around my waist, and walked out the door, head bowed.


I met Simba at the car, head still bowed.

He noticed, and tried to hug me. When he wrapped his arms around me, I reflexed, and backhanded him.

"Ow. Hey,'s me..." he groaned.

I gasped, and held his cheek. He winced a little, and I felt bad.

I stood up on my toes, and kissed his cheek tenderly.

I smiled while kissing him, and he smiled back.

"Shall we go, Princess?" he asked softly.

"Let's." I whispered.


We arrived at my house around 6:15.

I looked at Simba, giving an unsure look.

"W-why are we here?" I asked.

He smiled in response. "You'll see."

We got out of the car, and walked to the front door.

The lights were off, but just for safety, I twisted the knob.

Simba covered my eyes, and I heard a click.

He uncovered my eyes, and everyone shouted "SURPRISE!"

I jumped back a little, but laughed afterward.


Me and Simba did a little mingling, and we got separated a few times, but we always found each other.

Takata was all over me and Simba, and to be honest, I was so glad.

Before me and Simba walked in my house a few days ago, I hadn't seen Takata in two years.


Her bastard father and "mother" kept her from me, but I found her.


I was walking through the Costco one day, when I saw Zira.

I wanted to go give her a piece of my mind for letting her husband torture me, and then join in.

But, my conscience told me to stay the hell away from her, and so I did.

Half an hour later, I see her in the same clothing aisle as me.

Seeing her made my blood boil, but then, I saw her...

A small figure. Dark skin, straight black hair, emerald green eyes, 3' 3", and she looked just like me.

I cursed myself internally for this, but Scar forced me to have his child, and I wanted to meet her...

You see, after she was born, Scar had her taken away into Zira's care. I couldn't do anything about it because:

1. He's stronger than me, and would abuse me more than he already has. 

2. He wants me to have a boy. If I have a girl, she'll be killed.

I walked over to Zira, and she gave me a shocked glare. She shielded Takata from me, and stood in front of me, arms crossed.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"Your little girl is pretty. What's her name?" I asked innocently.

I knew that Zira wouldn't tell me, so I bent down to Takata's level.

"What's your name, sweetie?" I asked.

She came from behind her "mother", and looked me in my eyes.

"Takata..." she said shyly.

It was  in that moment I realized...I found my daughter. And I promised that I would always protect her...even if it's from her "parents".

(End of flashback)

Me, Takata, and Simba took pictures in front of my parents' wedding colored balloon arch.

Me and Takata took a picture, and it made my heart do backflips.

Next, it was me and Simba.

He got down on bended knee, and I acted shocked.

Then, there was one with all three of us.

Me and Simba stood side by side, while Takata crouched down, making a cool pose.

I couldn't help but laugh at her silliness. It made me think of her uncle...

Speaking of her uncle...

I ran to find Mom, and I found her and Dad in my room.

I stood in the door frame, arms crossed.

They were going through my things, and I just watched them.

I finally decided to speak up after a little bit.

"Y'all miss me that much?" I asked, chuckling.

They jumped, and turned around slowly.

"Heeeeyyyy, honey. We were looking for pictures for the very. very. VERY. last minute projection." Mom emphasized. She looked at Dad with an angry glare, and he chuckled nervously.

"Oh, come on, 'Fina, you know that the projector came late." Dad whined.

"Y'all could've used the TV. Just sayin'" I said.

They pointed to the door, meaning that I had to leave.

I turned to leave, and was almost out the door when I realized...THIS IS MAH ROOM.

"HEY! This is my room!" I said. They grabbed all the stuff they could shoulder, and bolted out of my room.

I laughed, and walked into my bathroom.

When I went in there...

I wasn't expecting to see him...


Simba x Nala In CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now