Basically things I didn't feel like putting in the previous ones...

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Nala needs to get Simba some mental help. I'm sorry about this. T^T

⚠️ WARNING⚠️ Mature content.

Not sexual or anything. Just foul language here and there

On with this sad story T^T


I had just woken up the next morning in Simba's arms, and our faces were inches apart.

I blushed slightly, but smiled gently.

His warm breathing was comforting to me, seeing that he was still alive.

He tried to kill himself a couple of days ago.

I sighed deeply, and I tried to slip from his grasp, but he had a firm grip on me.

He pulled me closer to him, and it was like he was guarding me from something...

"Simba, wake up..." I whispered softly.

He opened his eyes softly, and sighed.

"Another dream again?" I asked.

"Yeah," he sighed, "I just...can't find a way to get rid of them..."

I pinned my ears back in guilt.

I think he needs to see a doctor...

I slipped from his grasp, and walked into the bathroom.

My body looks better, seeing that I'm eating now.

I looked at my arms to see the trauma...

I removed the bandage on my arm, and gasped in horror.

My scar was so deep, I could see the bone.

The doctors told me they couldn't stitch it up because I was seizing so much.

I grabbed some bandages from under the sink, and grabbed the alcohol.

I discarded the old bandage, and found a towel, and poured some alcohol on it.

I felt the burn on my skin, even though the towel hadn't touched my skin.

I gently pressed it to my skin, and I screamed in pain.

I think Simba fell out the bed, because I heard a thud.

He opened the bathroom door, panicking.

"Nala, are you okay?!" he asked.

"I'm fine! It's just this goddamn alcohol burns..." I muttered angrily.

"Princess, you sure you're okay?" he asked, concerned.

"I'm fine, Simba." I growled.

He gasped softy at my harsh tone.

I looked into his blood red eyes, and I saw the hurt...

"I'm sorry, Prince–It's just...there's a lot on my mind. You know...the baby..." I apologized.

He walked over to me, smiling.

"It's okay, Princess. I understand your pain." he said softly.

I nodded, and he grabbed my arm gently.

"W-what are you doing?" I asked.

He grabbed the towel, and warned me before he pressed it to my skin.

"You might wanna sit on the floor and grab on to something." he said.

I nodded, and we both plopped down on the floor.

I grabbed the sink, bracing myself for the worst pain I've ever imagined.

He pressed the towel to my skin softly, but I still screamed in pain.

"Shh, it's okay, Princess." he whispered.

I hadn't even noticed, but when I opened my eyes, tears of pain were forming.

"Nala, are you okay?" he asked.

I nodded, but he saw that he was hurting me.

"Nala, I'll stop if you need me to." he said.

"I'm f-fine. Let's just get this over with..." I whimpered.

He wrapped is free arm around me gently but firmly, and began to press the towel against my skin.

I winced in pain, digging my claws into his arm.

"Nala, you're hurting me..." he said blatantly.

I looked down to his arm, and my claws were sinking into it.

"Sorry..." I said softly.

He nodded, and rinsed the towel.

I blew on my arm to soothe the burning, but it didn't help a lot.

I ran some warm water on the wound, and wrapped it up.

I looked back to see Simba finish wringing the towel out.

There was a lot of blood...

"Simba, how are you able to stay so calm about this?" I asked.

I met his gaze, and it seemed like he wanted to tell me something.

"What is it?" I asked softly.

"Nala...I...I'm sorry..." he apologized.

I gave him a confused look. "For what?"

He sighed deeply, and I became scared.

"Simba, what did you do?" I asked, trembling.

His sad red eyes met with my beautiful blue ones, and I felt bad.

"Simba. What. Did. You. Do?" I emphasized.

"I almost murdered Scar..."

Simba x Nala In CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now