All of Me Loves All of You

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<<<Nala's P.O.V>>>

I felt something rubbing my hand, and I tried to fight them off.

But I couldn't.

I was immobile.

My eyes shot open to see Simba and a white lioness.

"Nala? Can you hear me?" Simba asked.

"Yes..." I whispered.

My voice is gone.

"Tamar, go get the doctors. They're down the hall." Simba ordered.

Tamar nodded, and ran down the hall.

"Nala, everything's okay..." he reassured me.

I nodded, and relaxed.


Tamar came back with my doctors.

"Miss Dawson, can you tell us anything you remember throughout the past week?" they asked me.

I couldn't tell them Scar raped me, so I went around it.

I asked for Simba's phone so I could type out what I was saying.

He nodded, and opened the app.

I started typing what happened.

(Since I'm lazy, reread the previous chapters. I also don't remember what I wrote...)

"Miss Dawson, is it okay if we check on your baby?" they asked.

I nodded, and they escorted Simba and Tamar out of my room.


My baby's alright despite my seizures.

I just want to know why I'm having them.


<<<Simba's P.O.V>>>

They finished testing Nala, and asked if they could talk with me.

I really didn't want to, but I have to.

We need to get to the bottom of why Nala keeps having seizures.

They closed her door, and gave me look that could've said she was dead.

"Mr. Mikaelson, Nala has been improving since you've been around. Before that, she was alone, other than her family and friends helping her. She committed suicide due to early pregnancy and rape. But, as I said, she's improving. That's the good news. The bad news is that she was raped while pregnant..."

My heart dropped to my stomach.

"What?" I growled.

"She was raped a few days ago. We found her blood on the sink and the floor. She also had a mark on her wrist that looked like she was either chained or tied up to someone or something. We also found s***n in her, and on the floor. Thankfully, it didn't harm the baby, but that could be why she's having these seizures." they told me.

Tamar waked up, and enclosed me in a hug.

I slapped her hands away, growling.

I pushed past the doctors to leave.

I know who did this...

The only person stupid enough to do it...


I went home, pissed off.

Malka saw me walk in, and asked what's wrong.

"Malka, go to the hospital. Nala needs you if I die." I told him.

"What? Simba, no. I did the same thing, and almost died. Nala doesn't need anymore stress." he told me.

"Malka, just do it. She was raped. And I know who did it..." I hissed.

I saw the fear in his eyes, and it made me feel bad.

He grabbed his stuff, and drove to the hospital.

After he left, I went in the closet to find my gun.

I found it, and I was on my way to Pride Rock.

This son of a bitch has hurt my family for the last time.

He's gonna get what he deserves...

Simba x Nala In CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now