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We followed the nun into the monastery, and me and Simba were shaking so bad. I noticed the priest looking at me, so I quickly sat down, dragging Simba along with me. "What?" he asked. "N-nothing. Let's just enjoy the mass...hopefully..." I said. He gave me an unsure look, and looked up at the priest.

"Welcome all new students and returning students! I am Father Maurice." he said. I noticed he was staring at me the whole time, so I tapped Simba's leg. "What?" he whispered. "Look..." I said. My voice shivered as I realized what he was doing. Are you actually serious? I thought.

"I would like a volunteer to come up, and help me." Father said. All the girls raised their hands, but he ignored every single one of them. I was the only one with my hand down, so he smiled.

"How about you, miss?" he asked me. I shook my head no. The next thing I know is nuns were grabbing me by my arms, dragging me to the priest. I fought my way out of their grasp, and I got free, but only for a literal millisecond. They grabbed me again, and laid me in front of the alter. "My dear, there's no need to be scared..." he smirked. Truth is, I wasn't scared. I knew what he was doing, and I was waiting for the right time to expose him.

"Sit down on the alter...I won't bite..." he said. I laid down on the table, preparing myself for what he was going to do. He grabbed my arms, feeling for my pulse. "What are you doing?" I growled. "You're kinda tense. Let me ease your fear." he whispered. I looked at Simba, and he was heartbroken. There was nothing he could do about this.

The priest massaged my shoulders with so much force that every time I moaned in pain, it was heard throughout the entire church.

"You're hurting me!" I screamed. "All in the name of Jesus..." he said. Then, it hit me. He wasn't a priest. He's a sexual predator...

He grabbed a blade, and pressed it to my skin.

Before I could even stop myself, I punched him in the stomach, and ran faster than I have ever run in my life. I darted for the door, but that demon stopped me, and began controlling my mind.

"What do you want from me?" I whispered. "YOUR SOUL!" it said. Everyone jumped back when they heard that. I looked up, and there was an actual demon standing in front of me.

I started to pray Hail Mary.

"Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus..." I prayed.

"STOP!" the demon screamed.

"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen." I continued.

When I said "Amen", the demon grabbed my neck, and lifted me off the ground.

His hands singed my neck, removing the concealer. He let me go when he removed it, and I fell to the ground, gasping for air. Simba immediately rushed to my side, helping me up. "You see?! Look at her neck! She needs to stay here and pray...FOREVER!!" he said. Simba walked me out of the sanctuary, and sat me down in the chair facing the sanctuary. "Are you alright?" he asked softly. "This church is a portal to Hell." I croaked.

"I know...but, when we registered, we most likely can't transfer until sophomore year..." he said.

"Simba, we need to leave. Now!" I croaked. He nodded, and grabbed Malka out of mass.


Simba and Malka walked me to the car, and laid me across the back seat. "I'm taking you to your house to clean your burn marks, alright?" Simba said. I nodded, and closed my eyes. 


"Wake up, Princess..." Simba said softly. I opened my eyes, and saw Simba trying to wake me up. I sat up, and wrapped my arms around him. He pulled me up, and placed me in his arms. He carried me to my apartment, and surprisingly, Mom and Dad weren't home. It was just Strawberry. When Simba opened the door, she started barking. My jaw dropped open to see Zira watching TV with my daughter. Simba just walked into the bathroom, and sat me on the toilet.

He looked through the first aid kit to see if there was something to clean my singe marks. I looked in the mirror, and they were fading. "Simba?" I asked. "What is it?" he asked. "The marks are disappearing...but, I do think I should go see Rafiki." I said. "WHY?!" he whined. "It's not like I don't trust you, but I don't trust you with my wounds, seeing that you are the reason I have them." I said. He gave me a hurt look, and I realized I had hurt his feelings.

I walked over towards him, and placed my hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Simba. It's just...a lot is happening on my birthday. I didn't mean to..." I said. He turned around, and smiled. "No problem. I know you didn't mean it. I love you, Princess, but you have to open up to me." he said. He was right. I have to open up about him so I don't end up like Scar...

(A/N: If you don't know what that means, either read my story The Madness of "King" Scar, or literally ask someone who knows about this. Or look up how Scar got his scar.)

He kissed me, and I melted him in his arms. "Are you just trying to get me to do it again?" I asked. "Nah. But if I was, you'd know..." he smirked. We walked out of the bathroom, and towards my room. "Aren't you going to say hello to your daughter?" Zira smirked. "Mommy?" Takata asked. "Yes, darling?" I asked. "Why'd you leave me?" she asked. I looked up to Simba, and he shrugged. 

"I...didn't have a choice, honey..." I said. She nodded, and hugged my leg. I hugged her back, not knowing the next time I'll see her. SImba tapped my shoulder, and I jumped. "Hey, it's alright..." he whispered. I let my daughter go back to her "mother", and Simba went into my room.

He grabbed Strawberry, and put her in the car. I got the hint, and sat down with my daughter.

"Mommy, Daddy dyed his hair?" Takata asked. "No, honey. Daddy's getting the rest Mommy's stuff to her dorm." I said. He also owes me 4 years of back child support. Apparently, he can get away with anything, but me...well...yeah... I thought. Zira turned on The Lion King for Takata and asked if we could talk. "Um, sure?" I said. We walked into my spacious room, and she closed the door.

"Look, I'm not gonna change my mind about you being a whore, but Takata won't stop talking about you. So, I'm gonna let you and Taka handle this...seeing that she's your kid..." she growled. I just turned and left. "Take Takata with you. Your parents just texted saying that they're outside..." she smirked. I nodded hesitantly, and walked out of my door.

Takata was watching Mufasa's death scene, and it almost brought me to tears. I had to pull myself together because I didn't want her to see me cry. "Takata..." my voice wavered. She turned around, crying. "What is it, honey?" I asked. 

"THIS IS SO...*sniff*SAAAAAAAAAADDDDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!!" she cried. I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close to me. She cried in my shirt, hysterically. After a few minutes, she calmed down.

"Mommy, who's that other guy in the car?" Takata asked. "Oh...ummmm...he' fiancee..." I said. "OHHHHHH!!! WHAT'S THAT?" she asked. I facepalmed myself while I tried to figure out how to tell her...

And to tell Simba that I'm prooooobably pregnant...

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