It's Gonna Be Okay...Right?

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" has to be..." I stuttered.

I felt the tears about to pour out of my eyes, but I snapped out of it.

No. Not in front of Simba.

Even though I'm that strength in the relationship, I've lost that.

Along with oil....

Before I met Simba, I lost...

My dignity...

My pride...

My confidence...

Everything I had gone.

But, now that I have Simba...I've gained some things back.

Like my pride and a fraction of my dignity...

My confidence kinda evaporated...

But, my friends and family are helping me get that back.


Simba's calling my name snapped me out of my thoughts.

He gave me a concerned look. "What's wrong?"

I couldn't take it any longer.

I threw myself into his arms, sobbing.

"What if this baby...our baby doesn't survive?" I asked.

He embraced me tightly, and stroked my hair to calm me down.

"I will do anything to ensure this baby's safety. And your's." he confirmed.

We sat in the car for the next five minutes.

He rocked me back and forth, telling me it's alright.

I squeezed him as my sobbing ceased.

Thank goodness I wasn't wearing any make up, because my face and Simba's shirt would've been smeared in it.

He grabbed a tissue, and wiped my face.

The whole time, he smiled gently at me.

I couldn't help but smile back.

When he finished wiping my face, I gave him a small blush.

Seeing that my skin was now pale, you could see it.

He chuckled softly, and leaned in to my neck.

He kissed my sweet spot, causing me to shiver.

He stopped, but not before smirking against my neck.

He got up from my neck, and unbuckled his seat belt.

He opened the door, and stuck his hand out. "Ready?"

I nodded, and took his hand.

"I'll always be ready." I whispered.

And we walked to the car, with Simba's arm around my shoulder.


We checked into the hospital, and sat in the waiting room.

I laid on Simba's shoulder, sighing deeply.

"What is it?" he asked.

I looked up at him, and he was looking straight at the wall.

"I'm nervous. I have been through a lot. What if I have a miscarriage, or...-"

Simba cut me off by putting a finger on my lips.

"Nala, the way you're thinking right now is scaring me." he simply said.


"I know that this baby is gonna survive. It's his mother..." he smiled.

I leaned on his shoulder, depending on him.

He kissed my forehead, and wrapped his arm around me once more.

For once, I felt happy.

But my happiness turned into exhaustion.

I ended up falling asleep in Simba's arms.


I heard someone calling my name, so I opened my eyes.

"Wake up, Princess." Simba said gently.

I got up slowly, and stumbled towards the nurse.

I almost fell from exhaustion, but Simba rushed to me as soon as I stopped.

We followed the nurse to the back room, and Simba sat me down on the bed.

The nurse sat down in the desk next to the bed.

"Hello, Miss Dawson. I'm here to check on your baby." she smiled.

I nodded sleepily, and laid down on the bed.

I closed my eyes, falling back into my deep slumber.

But, before I could fade into unconsciousness, I felt something cold being put on my stomach.

My eyes flew open as I almost screamed from the cold cream on my stomach.

"Sorry. It's gonna be a little cold, but I'm gonna put this on you to warm you up, okay?" she confirmed.

I nodded, and she put an instrument on my stomach, rolling it.

I felt weirded out, but this isn't the first time.

I started to see a figure on the screen as she rolled it on my growing stomach.

"Would you like to know the gender?" she asked.

"We' for it to be a surprise..." I said.

I looked at Simba, and his face was all the agreement I needed.

"Well, your baby is healthy, so that's good news. But, seeing that you haven't been awake for a week, your baby has been trying to fight for itself." she told me.

"It hasn't been breathing, is it?" Simba asked, paranoid.

"No. We gave Nala some air before she woke up." she smiled.

We both sighed in relief, holding our hands on our foreheads.

"Are you sure you wanna keep it a surprise?" she asked.

"I'm sure. We want our families to be surprised, as well as us." I said.

She nodded, and I looked over to the screen showing my developing child.

"I love you. You know that?" I whispered.

I swear it started moving as I said that.

"Simba? The baby just moved." I said.

My face was as pale as a ghost.

He walked over to the screen, and our baby began to keep moving.


(A/N: At this point, she's 2 months pregnant. If I said the next morning, forget that.)

"Nala, I think it understands our love." Simba said.

He sat at the end of the bed, rubbing my stomach.

"And we're gonna give all our love to this...our child, okay?" he said.

I nodded, and continued looking at the screen.

I started to close my eyes, knowing that my baby is fine and healthy...unlike me.

Me and Simba are gonna do everything we can to protect this child.

Even if it kills us...

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