Arc 3.6 - Luther Abravel

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In a another part of the world, a child held himself in a tight fetal position. Tears ran down his face from the abysmal pain continuously burned him. The covers hid his body from view but they couldn't prevent the sight of his uncontrolled shivers.

Those attending to the prince were looking on in pity and in distress, but they didn't dare touch or console the little prince for fear it would cause him more pain thus instilling the King's wrath on themselves.

It hurts...


It hurts!

Make it stop! Please!

... someone make this pain STOP!!

His cries from the past few months will haunt the servants and palace officials for the rest of their days.

This condition that has been attacking the small boy made everyone befuddled. The pain eventually subsides after a few days and just when they begin to relax thinking their prince has been cured, the pain ruthlessly comes back. Everyone has been in a constant state of stress.

Distant shouts could be heard from outside the quarters, "It's been months! Why is the crown prince still hurting?"

Already one of the King's physicians have been shown to the kingdom as an example. Only recently, has his condition been deemed as stress on the bones and muscles due to growth... None dared to say a curse befell the Crown Prince.

They thought the little prince was confused and scared.

But instead...

Clenching the fabric of the tunic right over his chest, nobody saw how his watery bloodshot eyes opened with utter hatred.

Whoever dared to hurt me- to poison me with this agony will be thrown into the depths of hell! I swear it!

I will cut his limbs off and make him regret he was ever born!

I'll kill him!

I'll kill him!

I'll kill him!


Stepping into the water with his damaged bare feet felt like heaven and hell.

He slowly submerged himself deep into the river, just feeling the coldness and pressure of the soft waves pulling him in and down. Everything muted out the deeper he let himself sink.

It was only once his feet touched the bottom of the river did his low-lidded eyes slowly open. Eyes trailing around the darkness listlessly.

Without rationality, he let all of his oxygen out. He continued to float underneath the depths, screaming his heart out.

All the pain he had been forced to hold in, he let it all out. The tears, screams, stress, fear. They all fell mute and concealed. No one could hear him. No one could see him. No one could hurt him.

It was perfect.

Bubbles continuously rose up until they slowly dwindled away to nothing.

He let his eyes close... and let himself feel...

An euphoric calm.

...and unbearable suffocation.

[HOST! Dying is not an option!]

He could almost hear his systems voice...


His eyes flashed open. 'What am i doing?!'

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