Arc 2.17 - Grayaon Hale

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A short scene of what happened to Parasite


"What the fuck was that Parasite?"


"I explicitly said 'no' to buying that package."

[But it had been helpful...]

"Maybe so, but it gave me more debt just for ten minutes of use! This is the second time you've disregarded my words and went ahead to forcefully equip a one-time-use package that ONCE AGAIN put my points into the negatives! You just do whatever you want and it has done nothing but just make my work more difficult since the beginning! You need to stop and get used to listening to me. Do you understand?"

[But I was only-]

"DO YOU understand?" He repeated harshly.

Grayson has had enough of Parasites reckless behaviour, not paying any mind or trying to understand what Grayson had been doing or planning. He believed Parasite had finally gotten somewhat better after his upgrade but he was dead wrong. Seriously, Parasite can hear his thoughts for crying out loud yet he acts like a child and doesn't learn or try to figure out what Grayson has in mind!

[yes...] Parasite replied meekly.

"Good. Seriously..." Grayson put his forehead into his hand, sighing at the system window glowing in front of his eyes. The dreadful amount of negatives made Grayson just want to give up and fucking die in peace where there is no need to worry about anything.

'I'm not sure if I should be worried about the fact that I'm the one more concerned about the loss of points than the system...'

He closed his eyes and rested back into the hospital bed, tugging at the IV drip.

"Now listen to me when I say this. Don't let Grayson Hale's family find out about this incident. ESPECIALLY, of this having me end up in the hospital. Do you get it?"

[I understand Host...]

Since then Grayson hasn't sought out nor acknowledged Parasite's existence. Regardless of the much better benefits, this package gave than the last one, Parasite had still made this completely unnecessary move even after Grayson had explicitly said NOT to get the package.

Absolute garbage system.


Now close to two months passed since Grayson's and Adrian's activity. Of course, there's been some tension between these two after that day. Sexually, that is. It's happened a few times where the two would be getting together but things always broke off by either Adrian running off or Grayson controlling his teenage hormones and trying to build a wall that kept breaking down over and over and over again (mostly by Grayson himself).

Spencer has been approaching Grayson during school as well these days and it's attracting people's attention. Why would the school's worst and most rebellious student be hanging out with the top-scoring and visually impaired student? Gossip has been growing. The female lead has also been stirring a commotion. News spread of an incident where Jacqueline had been getting verbally abused by another student but Mr. Sharz had stopped the bully and brought her to the office where she later gotten suspended.

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