Arc 2.25 - Grayson Hale

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Why are so many people asking if I've dropped the story? Lol

There are so many other stories that don't update longer than mine and are still continuing.

Don't worry,
NO! I am not dropping this story,
not for a very long time. I've stuck with this story for over a year now, why should I stop here? Especially when I haven't even gotten to the good parts yet?

Chill people, all it is that motivation is low on me these days. Online schools a bitch and all that I'm sure you guys know, I don't have much time to work on this story.

I have so many ideas still going through my head. It's just that where the story is at right now I don't know how to get past it to get onto the more juicy stuff. But I'll get there, it's a slow process, y'all just need patience and you'll be rewarded with lots of benefits.

Thx for reading~ enjoy!


After that night, the driver sped Grayson to the hospital in a flurry. His family were immediately informed the moment the hospital identified Grayson and they all cried in relief knowing he's alive. A police team was dispatched towards the area the driver had found Grayson to investigate. They ended up finding the abandoned building and the evidence of Grayson being held captive there.

It had been exactly one month and two weeks since Grayson Hale had been kidnapped and held captive. The incident was all over the news and had ended up revealing Grayson's face and true identity towards his classmates and anyone else who only knew Grayson as Grayson Monroe instead of Grayson Hale. Everyone was shocked and scandalized! It was only due to Grayson's parents that his crimes of disability fraud and other things were suppressed and not mentioned anywhere.

His family rushed to the hospital Grayson was getting treatment from. None of them were willing to leave until the doctor allowed the family to visit him. It had been a hassle and took a lot of tears before they all calmed down and actually looked at the amount of damage Grayson suffered through.

His face looked sickly pale and thin as if he was starved. His entire right arm was wrapped in cast. A number of bruising and worst of all the shape of his wrists- they were tightly wrapped in bandages, according to the doctor it seemed his kidnappers had put restraints on Grayson's hands which dug into his skin. Unfortunately, there will be scarring as the damage was deep.

Hearing of his injuries only brought about more tears.

They quickly had Grayson transferred to a higher tier hospital with more resources to heal their son. They settled him in an elite private hospital room and put bodyguards inside and outside of his room to keep watch on him and the others passing around his room like a hawk. There's no way that they are letting their son come into harm's way any longer.

The only problem is that it's been 10 days and Grayson still hasn't woken up yet... The doctors say he's been slipped into a coma.

10 days...

For 10 days too long.

The Hale's were afraid of how Grayson would be affected by this. No one could tell how long he would be in this coma nor could anyone tell whether or not Grayson would have brain injuries affecting his memory. This was their most pressing concern. Especially since Grayson was the only one to confirm their suspicions on the kidnappers.

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