Arc 1.21 - Alex McGuire

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"Your horrible. You always take the chance to harass me and talk big about how you'll bed me at any moment but when the time comes you run away?"

"'Run away?'"

"You heard me."

Smirking, Alex turned around to walk towards Eric face-to-face while continuing to unbutton his shirt revealing his defined abdomen. "Fine then, remember you brought this upon yourself."

Alex completely left all his concentration and immediately recoiled from the intensity. He roughly pulled Eric towards him and crashed their lips together. Pushing him against the door, his skillful fingers found their way to the cool skin he craved. He felt as if he was burning from the inside, an itchiness he couldn't reach. When coming into contact with another body, the coldness and relief was exactly what he needed. But it isn't enough, he needs more.

Alex's tongue swirled all around while pushing deeper. Poking at Eric's tongue and playing around with it was fun and all but he couldn't go too long with foreplay at the moment.

"Take if off." Alex mumbled this while pushing his teeth down Eric's neck. He pulled apart the nuisance of the vest, shirt and tie of Eric's smoking grey, slim fit 3 piece suit.

"Take off your pants." Alex went over to Eric's Adam's apple and spoke out with a deeper voice. Running his hands through the firm skin covered in some faint scars, he brought his tongue across to Eric's chest.

Eric couldn't figure out anything about how he needed to feel at the moment. All he needed to know is that Alex needs help, and that he's here to help him...regardless of what happens.

Reluctantly, he took off his belt and unzipped his pants. He didn't have the time to feel fully embarrassed as Alex took his attention to his mouth and bit and sucked savagely. Alex dragged in his warm fingers under his boxers and grabbed at his ass and pressed himself against him harder. Eric's feelings suddenly became conflicted between letting himself go down deeper on this path or...

"You sure your not the one about to 'run away'? It's not too late." Alex smirked against his lips as he watched Eric's expression while keeping his hands busy with fondling the bubbly butt and grinding.

"Stop talking and just do it!"

Groaning in his worsening situation, Alex pulled away and took off his bottoms. He shoved Eric down on the bed. Running his left hand up from under Eric's thigh, he moved his other hand down Eric's spine and grabbed onto his hips. Alex kept his mouth busy with grazing and licking on Eric's chest.

Alex's left hand found its way to Eric's member and felt all of it from the very top to bottom. Eric could keep his moans in control until Alex suddenly manoeuvred his hand up and down his dick while holding onto it with a hard grip. Rising in speed and action, Alex put his middle and index finger in his mouth to lubricate them with his saliva then headed straight for the bud down there.

"Wait a sec-!!" Alex just used his mouth to lick and suck on Eric's protruding tongue to try and keep him distracted from what was going on down there.

As he inserted his middle finger into the hole, it sucked him in greedily. He brought it in as deep as he could and began poking around the sides of the wall. Slowly he began fingering it faster and harder. He tried to stick in his index finger after a while but it was still a tight fit. Scissoring, pushing against the sides and bringing them in knuckle deep was what he was doing for about a minute when his fingers grazed over a rough bump.

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