Arc 1.10 - Alex McGuire

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Detailed scene down below!!
Not exactly R-rated, but still best put a warning.

Eric didn't know how he ended up in this situation. He had showered in Alex's bathroom and was now in Alex's room, in Alex's clothes, laying under Alex's blanket, on Alex's bed. And Alex? He was currently in deep sleep, with an arm around Eric, trapping him.

———-Backtracking to last night-———

"I'd rather not stay in your home and inconvenience you." Eric was about to grab his hand gun from the kitchen counter and leave when he was suddenly dragged upstairs.

"What do you think your doing?! Let go!" Eric tried to pull and tug his arm out of the man hand but it wouldn't budge. He tried using more strength but it still didn't loosen. Eric was once again shocked, he didn't expect this man to also have such strength.

"Stop struggling, love." Alex chuckled with amusement, "where do you think you'll be able to go in such weather? Do you have a death wish?"

"Wha- l-love? I'm sure you're the one that has a death wish. Let me go!" He was let go, but was shoved into the bathroom. Alex put a hand on his clothes and began pulling.

'Huh? This is a dangerous gang leader? He seems so flustered, it's cute. No could guess for him to have such a double-life."

[Host...what are you doing to the second male lead?]

'Stripping him, of course.'

"FUCK! Let go!"

"How am I sure you won't leave?"

"Like you said, I can't go anywhere in this weather..." as much as Eric disliked the idea, he knew he couldn't leave.

"Good. Take a shower in here, I'll leave some clothes for you to sleep in." Just like that, Alex stopped pulling on the mans clothes and left the bathroom.

Eric was bewildered from these sudden mood switches. But he turned on the shower regardless, since he was here he might as well make the most of it.

"Hey parasite, mind giving me some visuals of our second male lead~"

[!! What!? Host! Please refrain from being a pervert for one night!]

Alex arched a brow.

[A-And beside...I-I wouldn't be able to. I can only give you visuals if there are technology devices in the room...Eric's phone is in his pant pocket, and there aren't any cameras in the bathroom...]

"Really? Hmm...should I put up some cameras?..." He mumbled as he picked out a long sleeved shirt and some sweatpants, then went to the drawers.

Alex was thankful for the previous inhabitant of his body of having a habit of buying small minuscule everyday things in bundles. He was thinking of this whilst looking at the unopened pack of men's underwear.

He approached the bathroom door, he could hear the shower running so he just went in.

Eric was just about to strip himself of his boxers when the door suddenly opened.

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