Arc 2.26 - Grayson Hale

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A/N: There's really been a lot of hate going towards our poor baby Parasite lately... 🥲
What should I do? Lol

for there is inappropriate content ahead


Adrian didn't answer other than pursing his lips.

"You might not ever see me again." Grayson spoke deeply, his voice only barely above a whisper. Whether he was talking about leaving this world or leaving this city, it was known to only Grayson.

Adrian only leaned his head back to rest against the point where Grayson's neck and shoulder connect. His eyes slowly closed as if to not face the reality, all pretty asaaq as whilst hiding the suspicious flash of darkness clouding through his eyes.

".... Come."

Adrian slowly opened his clear auburn eyes and lazily glanced over in question.

Slowly Grayson led them over to the sofa. Adrian left the hold to take a seat but was pulled back into Grayson's hold, ending up with him sitting on his lap.

"...this is uncomfortable." Is all Adrian said.

"Then let's make it comfortable." Grayson's opened his legs and let Adrian fall into the middle while shifting to lean against the sofa arm. He brought his legs out onto the sofa with Adrian in between him. Adrian leaned his back against Grayson's stomach. Once they shifted a bit they relaxed, laid out on the sofa.

Grayson brought his uninjured hand into Adrian's hair. Slowly unraveling the styled hair. Playing with the long strands slipping out of his fingers.

After a while, they both dozed off on the sofa from the warmth of the others body heat and dark lighting.

But, in the middle of the night Adrian's eyes slid open and gazed at Grayson's peaceful face leaning against the pillow above him.

'I... will follow you. Wherever, whenever. You won't leave me behind.' A voice silently whispered in his head.

Adrian blinked once, then blink a few more times as if to focus himself and while he was doing that, his face scrunched up in a frown.

'What... what was I just thinking of?'

His eyes strayed to look around the apartment and he then recalled where he was.

'Oh that's right... we fell asleep.'

Only moonlight shined in through the windows as the source of light, all he could hear was the steady breathing of the person laying under him and the muted ambience of the downtown streets dozens of floors below them, filled with fading police sirens and cars zooming. All he could feel was the coldness of the air but also the faint warmth behind him... though it didn't do much to clear the chill. His eyes felt like lead and his mind wasn't completely awake yet, but even so, he slowly slipped out of the sofa and stumbled his way to his room. Adrian grab the folded comforter on his bed and went back to where Grayson lay. He quickly spread the comforter around themselves then shifted around a little and once again bathed in the warmth with Grayson's arms around him. Both sleeping until late in the afternoon.


They didn't have to go to school because of various reasons concerning Grayson's recent kidnapping (Adrian just stayed home too cause why not?). Word has already spread all around that Grayson was in fact the famous multi-millionaire family's youngest member. And that their former English teacher had kidnapped him. The scandal was a huge source of gossip for everyone and did the high schools reputation some damage. News travels faster than lightning when it comes to the safety of their children, the gossip had reached parents ears in no times and were causing some trouble with the administration with concerns and complaints of their standards of hiring teachers as well as the schools creditability with the safety of their children being enrolled at the school.

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