Arc 2.8 - Grayson Hale

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Grayson stepped out of the car and stared at the huge house which oozed with modern richness, clearly that Saxa's family is hella loaded.

Cars littered all around the streets nearby, several teenagers could easily be seen mingling inside and outside of the big mansion-like house.

The extremely loud beats of the vulgar music pounded through the roof.

"BITCH! IM A COW! BITCH! IM A COW! IM NOT A CAT! I DON'T SAY MEOW!" Everyone yelled out the chorus as the song blasted throughout the entire house. Jumping up and down with their hands in the air. Girls twerking, boys watching them on with growing lust.

It was complete chaos. It looked as if they were in a nightclub, not a house party. Not only that, the party was only just getting started. Adrian and Grayson walked into the house and were immediately surrounded by other kids and the deep bass dropping punched into their chest. It was loud!

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He muttered in exasperation under his breath. "The parties that happened at my high school couldn't even compare to this. Damn Grayson, I envy you. Grayson's own family is pretty rich too right? Oof, I was broke af in my years of living."

[You sound as if you're not living right now.]

"That's because I'm not. This is someone else's body, someone else's life. It's not my life that I'm living but his."

Parasite couldn't say anything to refute those words...



Everyone kept shouting 'moo' every time it came up in the music.

Adrian stayed beside him and guided the way through the packed and horny teenagers as they headed out to the backyard, the area where the real party was.

People in the pool, people on top of the patio roof, people dancing like crazy on the stage where the DJ was, several people making out with each other, there were even people taking turns chugging out of several big ass alcohol bottles with tubes and funnels.

While they were walking down the patio, Adrian was suddenly pulled away by some random chicks, off to who knows where. Grayson smirked knowingly when he saw that through his sunglasses. He decided to head over to the area with relatively less people and the area where most people won't really notice him, the snack and beverage table. Alllll the way to the side.

Of course, Grayson walked over with no problem, it's not like anybody would give a shit about some random dude with sunglasses. The school was a big place, and not everyone recognized everyone, meaning almost no one knows anyone's face at this party that includes the face of the blind kid at school. Plus, there was parasite to inform Grayson if there was anyone out there really observing him.

[Host, someone spiked the punch. You shouldn't drink that.]

"Obviously someone spiked the punch. It's a high school seniors party, what do you expect?"

He drank a few gulps of the punch and he could immediately taste the absurd amount of alcohol inside, even the taste of the original punch couldn't be clearly tasted from how strong the alcohol was. Grayson frowned but shrugged and couldn't help but drinking more. "Besides do you know how long it's been since I had a good glass of alcohol? It's so hard being a kid..." He finished his cup in no time, reaching for the ladle to pour more into his cup.

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