Arc 3.10 - Luther Abravel

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There was no answer.

Luther waited for the answer patiently. Watching the Villain with an unknown emotion in his eyes.

"I wish to request for a leave of absence." He said after moment of hesitation.

Without hesitation, he responded with "Denied."

"I haven't even stated my reason!" Reid called out indignantly.

"A reason won't change my decision." He crossed his legs as he looked at the boy in front of him, hidden amusement dancing in his eyes.

"You don't understand," his eyes glared at Luther, "I have to go back. My dimwitted half brother seems to think he can take my title. And I hear father has grown ill these days."

But Luther didn't back down, "The military is not a joke. We are at the frontlines. If anyone could leave whenever they wanted to there'd be havoc."

"Do not forget that I am your Crown Prince. I command you to let me leave." Reid spoke darkly as if he had the power to. It was hilarious really.

Luther almost laughed.

Slowly, he stood up from his seat.

At his every step, the air became tenser, chiller.

A rigid silence came over them, with only the wind in the background.

Reid stood his ground fearlessly as his Commander stopped in front of him, just a hair too close for comfort.

The sound of Reids heart rate upped a few octaves. Luther's inner smile grew, this guy was nervous.

"My prince," His deep voice called out almost mockingly. He had to look down do stare at those defiant golden eyes with his own dead ones. "It is you whom seems to forget that you have no authority here. The one who put you in here was the King, and the one who can mandate you a leave is me."

Reid eyes strayed from those deep obsidian eyes, down his face, stalling a tad too long at those lips set in a hard line.

There was something encapsulating about this man. Every time he comes in view Reid could never look away. Even now, as the man insults him to his face, Reid doesn't dare take his eyes off him. There was always a feeling that when he did, the man would escape through his fingers like sand.

"What do you wish to accomplish once you arrive back at the capital? You say the second Prince, Enrile Cerulean is out to take over your position. Do you suppose anything you do will change the decisions of the council? The senate? You still have to come back here at the end of the day."

"That's not for you to assume. Whether things change or not I do not care." He glared at the older man, his tone trailing ink as he snarled out, "They need a reminder of who's actually the one playing in this game."

Fire rose in him at the thought of the audacity all those old pieces of trash in charge of the workings of this kingdom had to decide his fate could be overthrown.

Luther lightly scoffed, but with a slight tilt to his head he considered Reid for a moment before making a decision. "Very well."

He passed Reid with only a slight graze of the shoulder saying, "come with me," as he exited the tent.

"You wish for a leave of absence?" Luther walked briskly. The night air felt chilling in the darkness of the camp, with only the moon as a source light. His shirt flowed with the wind, the hem rising up ever so slightly to expose his muscular back. He didn't need to look back to know the future villain was keeping up with him at his back. "Then work for it." Luther threw a knife aimed towards Reids vital point, but it was intercepted expertly with just a single hand. Reid looked over at the dagger he just caught. He blinked. This blade... he held it up to let the light of the moon sheen off of it. He was correct, this was the blade the commander often used to cut down his enemies.

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