Arc 2.13 - Grayson Hale

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A groan slipped out of Adrian's throat as he shifted his head. His whole body sore and aching like he was run over by something, he could barely move. His head hurt like a bitch, ears were ringing so hard he could barely keep himself from whimpering in pain. His eyes felt so heavy, trying to open them was a bit of a struggle. He felt the need to just go back to sleep, but he couldn't.

He could hear the distinct murmur of voices, they were loud with fast exchanges like an argument. But he couldn't figure out any of the words, he mind couldn't place them to make any sense. His head blew his ability to focus, like literal Cotten was shoved into his brain. From the sticky, liquidy feeling all over his face and neck and hair, he was definitely bleeding...It could be a concussion. Then he definitely needed to stay awake, he needed to resist the lull of weary tiredness overcoming his body.

Slowly Adrian felt around his surroundings with his limited movements. His hands were bound to the arms of a chair, the rope cutting to his skin stung but not enough to cut off his blood circulation. They didn't tie up his legs, that's fortunate.

Light blared through the slit of his eyelids, another groan came out of him- it's wayyy too bright. He could hear shuffling, clanks of metal banging together lightly, the sound of droplets of water dripping down into puddles... and people's voices each becoming more clear and understandable by the second.

"He's awake." The sharp screech of dragging steel against concrete brought another burst of a headache in Adrian's brain. He could see a blurry silhouette of a man, a metal bat being pulled lazily behind him.

Suddenly his hair was pulled back harshly from behind him, he hissed from the pain but kept his eyes open as a face of a woman entered his field of vision.

His eyes widened, a flash of recognition passed through his eyes. It was her... the woman...

'The woman.... This woman she's... the one who's been helping me on the plan... the one that owed a favour towards my uncle...' his eyes chilled.

"Y-you..." his voice came out raw and croaked as if it hadn't been used for years.

"Fuck! Billy! I told you! I fucking told you not to touch him!" The woman hissed at the man as she dropped away the head she had pulled back.

"Shut up you cunt. You know how close this fucker was to figuring out what happened and yet you still let him be free to do as he pleases? Him being closer to the truth is just going to put the big boss in some serious issues. We're just handling it before this little shit can deal any damage."

"I had it under control! I could have steered him away and dealt with it accordingly! But you just had to come and mess this shit up!"

Something flashed through Adrians thoughts but he couldn't quite catch what it was. He didn't understand what they were talking about. Right now all he knew was that this woman had never been his friend and is now an enemy and that he's in danger. He needs to escape somehow.

Looking around he could see that the area seemed to be some kind of abandoned warehouse... he dropped his head again in exhaustion and huffed out ridiculing disbelief, typical villains... bringing the victims to abandoned areas.

The woman was wearing her signature red tube dress. Adrian glared hard at her figure with his limited strength.

The man on the other hand... Billy, wore the typical office suit. If you ignored the metal bat smeared with blood in his hand he could easily be ignored as any average white collar, he had a forgettable face too making him all the more dangerous... he's easily able to blend in with the crowd. The two were still arguing about what they were supposed to do now... just listening to them throwing curses and threats in raised volumes were sucking out any kind of vitality he had in him, hurting his head all the more.

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