Arc 1.12 - Alex McGuire

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haha oops,
I posted the last chapter up too early. I didn't wait for the comments to gather up from 1.10 if they wanted Alex doing 'it' to be shown in the next chapter or not. But if there's quite a lot of positive responses, then I'll be sure to add it to as a sequel at the end of this arc.

Also, I want to know if you guys want a mass release when I finish writing the chapters for this arc or should I just keep publishing the moment I finish writing each chapter?


Alex arrived at the entrance of Eric's building after almost getting into a car accident. Twice.

He emotionlessly parked his car, entered the building, to the elevator all the way to the top floor, walked straight past security, past the assistant-secretary and opened the grey tinted glass door, into Eric's office.

All just to see, Sherry sticking her whole body up against Eric.

Both Sherry and Eric were shocked to see him enter so abruptly, albeit for different reasons.

Eric seeing Alex here wasn't surprising, but the fact that he saw him and Sherry hugging, he immediately took Sherry off of him as if the feeling of guilt hit him. And that shocked him, why did he take his crush out of his arms when Alex appeared? Furthermore, he should have no reason to feel guilty, so why?

Sherry was the most shocked. She had no knowledge of Alex and Eric being close. Close enough that neither security nor that clumsy assistant sitting outside had attempted to stop him. Realizing this she secretly felt glad, this means that Eric did as he promised and became closer to this man all just for her. Now her company can covert even more shares from the Roland Enterprises, that is if Eric can convince Alex McGuire for it somehow.

Alex was still expressionless as he watched, making Eric a bit nervous.

Alex honestly didn't care at all about what was happening here. Eric is the second male lead, he and the female lead being together isn't surprising at all. He has no interest in getting involved, but right now he had no choice but to. What he needed right now was to sleep, to do that he needs Eric.

"So sorry for interrupting, but I have some business with Eric."

"Oh? Aren't you Alex McGuire? The advisor and one of the founders of Roland Enterprises? I don't know if you remember, but we had met once before, about a month ago? You and Eric are friends? You never told me about you and him being friends, Eric." Sherry turned to Eric as she said the last sentence. She had a gleam in her eyes, clearly, she was playing something asking these questions.

"Yes...We are friends, right Eric?

"Uh, y-yeah, we're friends."

The moment Eric ended that sentence, a screen popped up in front of Alex.


[Get into contact with Eric Quincy and make a friendship with him]

[Points Awarded: 350p]
[Current Points: -4,650p]

[Mission #1 - 50% Incomplete]
[Mission #2 - COMPLETE]
[Mission #3 - 100% Incomplete]
[Hidden Quest - 99% Incomplete]

This system announcement made some questions pop into Alex's mind, but he swiped the screen away with his eyes. He decided to not bother overloading his mind about it until he got some sleep.

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