Arc 2.7 - Grayson Hale

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It's been three months since Grayson arrived in this world.

He's been leisurely spending his time adjusting properly to all the skills needed to act with impaired vision and especially the problems with his enhanced hearing skill. At least now he could subconsciously filter things out and lower the amount of overflowing information coming into his brain through the sounds, becoming just like any other average person out there.

Slowly, Grayson also dropped the stuttering and slightly changed his way of talking into the original Grayson's speech pattern. Not only that, there was no longer any awkwardness when he talked to Adrian. Valeria and Grayson have also become a lot closer, she occasionally has lunch with Grayson and Adrian and hangs out with them after school.

Other than that one time when he showed Adrian all his tattoos Grayson hasn't made any other move towards his missions. He gradually became more comfortable and accustomed to this lifestyle.

First semester passed, second semester came. And now it's the last day of classes before the two week spring break starts.




The most horrifying banshee screech ever known in existence was produced from Grayson's alarm. He immediately smashed down on the snooze button and flung it across the room.

' fucker! Stop installing these hideous sounds into the alarms.'

[What!? Hideous!!? This is the most trendy songs back at HQ! It's sung almost everywhere, everyone knows the lyrics to this song!]

'Shut up. I really couldn't care less- wait, what the fuck? Most trendy song my ass... Just don't let me hear it ever again!...lemme sleep...'

Yet he was once again disturbed as Adrian barged in not long after.

He was certainly speechless at seeing the broken alarm clock across the room and a big bundle lying motionless on the bed. There was a tattooed arm sticking out from underneath the big lump of blanket, laying limp on the edge of the bed. Clearly, Grayson had thrown the clock. With his full strength too.

"Grayson. Get up."

No response.

"Get up."

No response.

"Are you getting up?"

The lump moved ever so slightly.

"Get your ass up! We have to go to school!" Adrian tried to snatch the blanket off of Grayson, but it was held on to with a tight grip. The blanket wasn't budging from where his head should be and where his limbs were entangled.

An annoyed raspy groan came from within the lump when Adrian used more strength to pull the blanket.

Adrian finally managed to pull the blanket off, revealing a shirtless Grayson curling up from the sudden lack of warmth. Adrian threw the blanket on the floor, away from Grayson's reach. But turns out his efforts were in vain, Grayson still wasn't budging and was now hugging his pillow instead, eyes still closed shut.

Seeing Grayson being so immature made Adrian pissed off, "It's fucking 8:30! We only have 30 minutes left, move it!"

"Who cares? It'" Grayson mumbled out in a sleepy and raspy voice.

"You are not skipping school! There's a fucking assembly! We gotta go!"


"Yes! Come on."

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