Arc 1.26 - Alex McGuire

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When Alex arrived in Porgeon, he wasn't in any real hurry and he took most of his time lazying around while observing Angelina Crass/ Sarah West, but now he's becoming more serious by the day.

His body has been showing more signs, forcing Alex to quicken his pace before it gets worse. He's had several unending nose bleeds which would always make his bathroom look like a murder scene. He always cleaned up only for it to be splattered with blood again so he didn't care anymore and left the bathroom as is. Numbness in his limbs kept appearing on and off appeared several times as well. Just yesterday he had puked out a good amount of blood and even some chunky pieces which looked like meat. And today his body has been feeling sore all over. Alex has been taking a shower and refreshing himself almost everyday, but regardless, his light headed and nauseating feelings weren't decreasing in the least.

Not only that, during his observations, his body has also been slowly remembering and reinventing the events and trauma that had happened in those three years in his dreams. At first he could barely fall asleep, but after, even for just an hour or two, he would get all those traumatic scenes that Alex McGuire went through. The good thing out of this is the quest is only about 10% incomplete, all he needs to do now is have a little one on one with the woman herself.

"Alex McGuire. Show me your worst today."

Looking away from the mirror he got ready and headed to Sarah's favourite cafe.

He drove out and turned at the intersection. Unknown to Alex, a few minutes after he left, a jet black luxury car rolled up onto his driveway.

Alex parked his car and strode inside. He ordered a plate of cheesecake and a cold drink. The cafe isn't too busy at the moment and Sarah also hasn't shown up yet.

"Spoke too soon..."

Sarah came in alone ordering her regular and Alex's body froze and slightly trembled all over from seeing the woman in person. Memories were clearing over in his mind. The feelings of fear and anger were encased in the memory, growing stronger when she suddenly sat down at a two seater table by the window. Right beside him.

Alex' green eyes flashed for a moment before he got up and instantly sat in the chair in front of Sarah. She immediately became displeased.

"Excuse me? Do I know you?"

"You should."

"Well, I don't. So if you wouldn't mind..."

Just as she was about to tell him off, his face suddenly registered into her mind. She slowly became pale and abruptly stood up, not caring if she knocked her chair over attracting the attention of others and ran out of the Cafe in a panic.

Alex wouldn't let her just run like that, he went after her and caught her arm before dragging the struggling hysterical woman to a dark secluded ally.

"Let-LET GO YOU! HOW DID YOU FIND ME!? I'm not like that anymore! GET OFF!"

"Shut up." Alex brought a piercing gaze towards the startled woman. His felt something warm from his nose but he didn't care at the moment as he pinned her to the wall.

"Now. Just cooperate with me please."

"What... What do you want?!"

"Tell just exactly what happened in those three years and I'll let you go and never appear in front of you again."


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