Arc 2.16 - Grayson Hale

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This chapter is a continuation of that very *ahem* scene in 2.12

Things fell back to into regular school routine once the new year began. All as if nothing from that night ever happened.

Jacqueline Lunn had appeared and it didn't take too long for her to begin interacting with the male leads. The world plot finally began  moving forward.

Grayson can now get on with his main missions.

A month passed with no movement from any side. Non from Grayson, the protagonists, the ARK nor the police. Everything was at a standstill at the moment.

That is until 2 months pass.

In 2 months the male lead and female lead will officially get together in secret which would only further break up the male leads family, the ARK will approach the male lead to confront him about his debts, the police will take a downfall and won't notice ARK's movements because of Martin (the corrupt cop. He leaks out very important info to the enemies when faced with wealth), and Grayson?

By then, he'll have already made his move.

Starting today.

. . .

The door slammed open.

Adrian turned around, startled. The figure leaned over the door frame after seeing the man he came to wake up had already been awake.

"Why aren't you wearing anything!?" Adrian glowered when he saw how much of Grayson's figure was exposed. The muscles were rippling at every move, tattooed skin still damp and dark-hair dripping wet....

"I am wearing something."


"I actually quite like wearing a towel." He began rolling his hips, "it's really quite breezy down there, very refreshing if you know what I mean." He winked at him.

Adrian stared at Grayson with a disdain filling his expression. Grayson just laughed with amusement, "I'm changing, I'm changing," and turned to leave, but then turning back to say something.

"Unless..." he smirked suggestively.

"Out. Now." Adrian pointed at the door with a bemused expression.

"Ok ok, breakfasts ready. It's on the stove." Grayson flapped his hand at him as he turned around with his mouthwatering and sexy― 'shut up!' Adrian thought as he moved his eyes away from that...torso of the man as he sauntered away from his room.

But Adrian's thoughts weren't listening to him. They were fully imagining every inch of Grayson. The tan swimmers body that always stayed hidden underneath his clothes, the abs and down to the mermaid line... his arms full of tattoos and visible toning, the long legs, toned calves and those cold looking feet. His mind kept roaming around until he noticed the reaction he'd gotten. His hand on his face covered the deep rosy blush filling his cheeks. His arousement was clearly betraying any logical and good conscious thought to keep himself away!

"Crap." He breathed out as he walked into his bathroom and ruthlessly dealt with it by splashing cold water down there. He quickly shrugged out of his sleepwear and put on a casual outfit of a hoodie and jeans. Then doing the typical morning routine of brushing teeth, washing face, etc.

When he finally came out, he saw Grayson fully clothed sitting on the stool leaning his elbows on the counter while he was texting on his phone. Even though a month had passed since Adrian found out, seeing Grayson just suddenly moving about staring at his phone or watching tv and doing stuff on his laptop was still a strange sight.

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